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How much do you actually need the internet in your life?
- For college necessary, for my life just lose the time.
— Antolinez27
- I refuse to go back to masturbating to the Sears catalog underwear section
— Just_a_guy81
- Programmer. Neeeeeeeed it.
— qwerty11111122
- Considering that my job basically depends on it, I'd say I need it a lot because I need to pay rent, buy food, survive basically.
— lenerz
- At the moment it's primarily *needed* for school since I don't have a second car or the time to go to campus for classes. Otherwise it's not totally necessary in my life except as entertainment and ease of bill paying.
— knees_of_the_bees
- It's a necessity in this day and age. It's a vital part of my job.
— The_Max_Power_Way
- As a perpetually single, loner type-introvert, the internet is my friend.
I recently stayed at a rubbish hotel where the wifi basically didn’t work, and it made me feel really uncomfortable. I had to go buy a sim even though I was only in the country 5 days, just for the 4G.
— Whoneedsyou
- Almost every Job is 'Apply online.'
So most people are completely fucked without it.
— squeeeeenis