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As you grow older, what do you start to like more and more?

  1. Slices of time where nothing is expected of me. No boss, no kids, no pending chores, no pets needing feeding or walking, no coming visitors. Just me, and usually my wife, sitting there and *being* together.
    — vault13rev

  2. Vegetables.
    — winterpop

  3. Coffee.
    — ElegantPotato8661

  4. A good poop.
    — dsherwoodmathman

  5. Naps
    — --Doom--

  6. Sleeping. Not going outside. Quiet. Good food.
    — Zezano

  7. Spring time. I realize how vibrate all the colors are and how beautiful the birds sing.
    — Drwhosthere

  8. Cleaning. When I was younger I hated cleaning, didn't see the point etc etc. Now that I'm living on my own I seem to take real pride in keeping my space clean, too bad my housemates don't seem to care.
    — Ghosty989

  9. Going to bed early. I love being asleep by 9:30.
    — tigerlily456

  10. Freedom. I had my son early and many foster dogs. Now he is 15 and the dogs have either passed or gone to their forever homes, I am loving being able to have so much more time and energy to myself without having to care for everyone. It is lovely.
    — webbyducktales

  11. Drinking water. I used to only drink soda and sweet tea. I legitimately thought that drinking a glass of water was something people only did in movies. Now it's my primary drink and I have no idea how I've survived this long without it.
    — kristoefoe

  12. Working.
    — x14v

  13. Light music, older women, and beer.
    — newbi3like

  14. Getting up early. I used to be a night owl, but I really like that time of day before anyone else is up now.
    — GoesAgainsttheGrain

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