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How do you find new music to listen to?

  1. I use spotify Radios
    — chrisvl97

  2. I listen to what pitchfork tells me to listen to, and then I scoff at all the mindless sheep who have never heard of it.
    — centripetal_poops

  3. This is going to sound dumb, but I listen. Just listen everywhere. I hear stuff on TV shows, in movies, commercials, on the radio, playing in a store, everywhere. If it catches my attention I try to shazam it and look it up later to add to a playlist. And that usually leads to falling down the related videos rabbit hole on youtube. You find so much doing this.
    — theghostwhorocks

  4. Spotify suggestions, word of mouth or hearing about them through bands I already listen to.
    — user9394

  5. Youtube
    — aa11110

  6. A couple of subreddits here (r/indieheads, r/hiphopheads, r/metal sometimes) theneedledrop
    — thewxdude

  7. I look into which musicians have had an influence on the artists I already like or try to find out what they listen to. If they've done side projects and collaborations with other musicians I like to check those out, too. I'm old and buy CDs still so I read the liner notes to see if any other bands are mentioned there.
    — applepirates

  8. I usually browse the New Music playlists on Spotify and almost always find something in there.
    — brokethemorning

  9. When I listen to an Album on Spotify, it plays bands related to that artist. Also I don't find new music. I wait until the bands I have been listening to since the 2000s make a new album.
    — throwyoworkaway

  10. Watch new anime
    — mortyecruteak

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