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What killed your relationship with your sibling(s)?

  1. They borrowed close to $25,000 and refuse to repay me because all I do is sit on my ass and collect checks. I'm a disabled veteran.
    — Iron_Bawls

  2. My sister randomly started treating me like shit 2 years ago. Everyone's noticed it, but no one knows what her deal is. Gives me looks of disdain everytime she sees me, and will randomly look for excuses to badmouth me and put me down. And if she can't find an obvious one, she'll actually make one up. I've asked what her deal is, but she continues to do it. It's mentally and emotionally taxing. So now I just avoid her. I have no interest in trying to set things right at this point.
    — voidofimpulse

  3. Not me but this happened to my cousins (brother and sister). Several years ago, both my uncle and aunt were diagnosed with terminal cancer the same calendar year; even though they were both in the late stages of their respective cancers, they survived for quite some time and so they required a lot of care. Their daughter was forced to quit her job so she could look after both parents during the long, gruesome period before they passed away. Not sure exactly how long it took but I want to say it was around a year and a half where my cousin went through mental and emotional hell looking after her elderly parents awaiting their passing. Meanwhile, her very wealthy brother lived just a few miles away from their parents, but being a VP of a very successful bank, he was pretty busy and so was unable to assist outside of providing a tad bit of financial support to her sister while she was looking after their parents. Eventually, their parents both passed away within a few weeks of each other; while my female cousin was obviously very upset about the passing of her parents, she was honestly a bit relieved that (A) her parents no longer had to feel the pain of the cancer destroying their bodies and (B) she didn't have to look after them anymore and could return to a hopefully normal life. After they buried their parents they met with their parent's lawyer who revealed to them that they each had a life insurance plan that totaled over $1.5 Million dollars. However, they assigned both policies to the son, and so it was up to the son to decide if he'd give any of the money to his sister, which he unfortunately decided against. He kept all the money for himself and didn't share any of it with his sister, arguing that he gave her more than enough during the time period she was looking after their parents, and that he had no obligation to share any of the money. My female cousin was absolutely heartbroken that her brother wouldn't share any of the money, and she was too mentally exhausted from the nearly 2 years of looking after her parents that she just did not have it in her to obtain a lawyer to try to get a share of that money. She just decided to cut ties with him and so they ended up not speaking for several years. I'm pretty big on family and forgiveness, but I absolutely support my female cousin for cutting ties w/her brother and not speaking to him since that incident. He's a huge dirtbag and so I'm glad they're no longer talking.
    — orange_cuse

  4. Back story- My sister and I are 7 years apart. When she was in high school she started hangout with the wrong crowd and got into drugs. She stole checks from my dying grandfather and stole about $60,000 from him. It was so bad my parents changed all the locks, nailed the windows shut, and put dead bolts on their room and mine. She became pregnant (didn’t stop using drugs) and gave the baby up for adoption. She went to jail a few times for selling cocaine and weed and maybe pills. There are multiple other stories that show what a horrible human she is. Fast forward about 10 years and two children later. Her husband started cheating on her. My parents paid for her divorce and flew all three of them back to the same state as us. She went behind my parents back and remarried her (ex) husband. She has made so many terrible choices that she is no one I want a relationship with. I would never go to her for advice or support. I don’t really care that I don’t have a relationship with her because we never had one to being with.
    — whats_my_username16

  5. Our parents. They always played us against each other, let my older brother abuse the fuck out of me (stitches, bruises, burns, etc) with zero consequences, laughed when my little sister was mean to me, mocked me if I complained, etc.
    — ghostofcalculon

  6. My adopted twin brothers won't stop having children. They started at 17 and haven't stopped in over ten years. I think they have over 10 between them. They don't/won't work, they won't move out of my parents house. My parents are both approaching 80, are extremely poor, and have to deal with the endless parade of shithead children from these worthless people. Adopting them destroyed our whole family. I stopped speaking to my entire family 5 years ago because of my hatred of my younger bothers. All I want to do is tell them how much we all hate them. They are a fucking cancer that won't go away. All they do is take. I find my anger towards them getting worse every year.
    — starion832000

  7. My sister telling me "I was always happier as an only child" and "life got worse when you came around". She was 37 at the time, I'm 27. Glad to put that behind me, life has never been better!
    — wookvegas

  8. I wonder how many people in this thread actually did something wrong and just won't admit it.
    — BeingofUniverse

  9. I never had a positive relationship with my brother, but the death of our remaining parent meant that I could finally be free of him. Nobody could guilt me into dealing with him anymore or manipulate me into being in contact with someone who makes my skin crawl/scares me. Here are a few highlights: He's been violent towards me and our other siblings for our entire lives. He literally bashed my head in when I was 3--my skull was exposed and I needed stitches. He would choke us and threaten to kill us almost every week. He beat us frequently and in such a manner that could have resulted in death. He tried to molest all of us. His favorite threat is that he's going to shoot our SO/husbands, make us watch, then shoot us in the face. He constantly tells us we deserve to die and that we're bitches and thinks this is perfectly acceptable. He expects us to support him financially (he's in his 40's and never worked and refuses to work), despite being abusive to us and us not being able to support him. He openly blames us for his failure to launch, despite him having more and better opportunities to leave (he enjoyed not working/being supported by our parents). He told us we were all selfish for moving out and getting married and that we should have put him first and stayed home to take care of our parents (they didn't need care--one died suddenly and the other went right to hospice care--neither needed care at home). He behaves completely insane. He stalks people he knew over 20 years ago from high school. He meets people once and fixates on them and creates an entire backstory of a relationship that never happened. For example, he met an acquaintance of mine once when we were in high school. Literally a 30-second introduction at a school dance and then never saw her again. He added her to a list of "girlfriends" he had...because she *smiled* at him. There are numerous girls on this list, which is horrifying. He's never actually dated anybody. He made our parents' deaths so much worse than they needed to be. He was so insane leading up to our remaining parent's funeral, I had concerns he might try to shoot us at the graveside service. He invited a 30-years estranged addict relative to the funeral, hoping to line up a new meal ticket. We begged him not to (this relative is a horrible person and their own kids have nothing to with them and there's a reason we didn't speak to them for decades). He did anyways and smirked when we saw this person there. That smirk is what tells me he knows better. He knows when he's being a shitty person, but he was always given a free pass by our enabling parents. He blames everybody else for his actions/words. He's the most entitled and self-centered person I've ever had the displeasure of knowing. And he only bullies/abuses his sisters. He doesn't try this shit around our husbands or friends--he can act right around them. Only when we're alone with him does he threaten us or try to harm us. He's just a terrible person.
    — HarbingerofGloom

  10. I wouldn't say killed, but she repeated things that I said to her to other people which kinda made me talk to her less.
    — Quadruple_Pounders

  11. Not yet dead but very strained. Back when I was young and the PS3 first came out I got one and almost immediately he stole it and pawned it for pill money. Fast forward a couple years he's got a kid but his wife is raising her while he's in prison for bad checks. They split while he's locked-up (a fucked up situation on my ex-SIL's end). Fast forward a couple years he's in court with his ex over back child support. I agree to loan him the money, that I had to go borrow myself, and he'd give me or our mom the money to pay the note off. Didn't happen. Also, he named my niece Aryan (pronounced like the constellation Orion). Luckily, that's not the name she goes by, just her middle name.
    — JCStensland

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