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If you could create a computer virus that could easily spread and affect millions of people around the globe, what harmless but super annoying effect would it have on their computers?

  1. Randomly capitalize 1 out of 30 or so letters typed
    — boones_farmer

  2. This a real virus i dealt with on a clients machine 11ish years ago (one of my very first jobs infact). After around 5-10 minutes after boot up the oompa loompa song would kick in and wouldn't stop short of mute or reboot. It had no negative effects other then playing the song on loop.
    — Dead-phoenix

  3. Whenever you opened incognito mode a window would pop up to tell you that people love you and to call your mother.
    — Comac10

  4. The password prompt from Jurassic Park "Ah ah ah, you didnt say the magic word"
    — dale_the_dragon

  5. At a randomized interval, on average 1% of the time you hit the 't' key it would register as a 'r' key.
    — at132pm

  6. The first time you would click the "X" to close a window, the window would shift very slighly to the right to maximize the window instead.
    — YoMothaFlippin

  7. For anyone who ever played *Black & White 2* -- the Lionhead game, not the Pokémon version -- there was a feature where it would occasionally [whisper your name in a creepy voice]( I'd recreate that, based on the name registered to your email account when you logged in. Very rarely, say once every two weeks, and only if you were up on your computer between about 1am and 5am... but definitely and unmistakeably there.
    — Portarossa

  8. I would install McAffee anti-virus.
    — chupamuerte

  9. Once every 6 minutes, the speakers make a noise like a phone on vibrate.
    — TheRealHooks

  10. Clippy the office assistant will always be there for you, overlaid on everything you ever open.
    — DitDashDashDashDash

  11. It would Change their time zone but correct the time so it’s the same as their actual time zone. So that all of their notifications would say “3h Ago” when it should say “Now”
    — Antwon2801

  12. I'd make the PC speakers whisper nice things at random but far apart intervals, but just low enough that they would question if they were hearing things.
    — MadLintElf

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