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If you could sell your soul for anything, what would it be?

  1. Two souls
    — GeorgeFromManagement

  2. A girlfriend would still be nice
    — Ratox

  3. Well if we consider what the soul represents and who would buy it, the only thing worth selling it for is complete immortality. But right now I would settle for coffee and a donut.
    — Foraxenathog

  4. One that works.
    — redditzendave

  5. So that somebody would love me.
    — StrongmanSamson

  6. A Klondike bar.
    — spellred

  7. Tree fiddy?
    — tbarb00

  8. Eternal happiness for me and those I care about for as long as each desires, grantable by proxy, and guaranteed to not have any negative consequences on the universe or for any of those affected by this.
    — AberrantRambler

  9. to see my enemies are chrushed. to hear their wept.
    — zebercet22

  10. I'll take some money please
    — RabidChipmunk3

  11. “I’d sell my soul for a donut!”
    — Mr8vb

  12. No more injuries
    — NeutronBeam04

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