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What are the "Beats headphones" of your hobby? What makes you cringe to see others flexing?

  1. Yarn marketed as 'organic' and 'hand spun' that's costs an arm and a leg, then people use it to make dish cloths that are going to theoretically going to get gross.
    — kayana_jordan

  2. When I worked at a sailing school I realized 90% of that hobby is JUST flexing? Spending as much as you can on gear because you need to show off despite having very little knowledge of how to actually sail. Meanwhile the people who teach, work the dock, and live in the marina/anchorage get by on the cheapest shit possible and actually know how to fix things when they break.
    — krylonultraflat

  3. Alienware
    — zeebyPL

  4. Rocking all whites while playing hockey. It could be a players gloves or skates, or a goalies pads. Every player knows all whites will be all yellows in a month.
    — Fobiuh

  5. People who buy ~$700 skis (bonus points if they're racing skis) when they're beginners.
    — hanotak

  6. anti social social club
    — donillarytrumpton

  7. People whose liquor cabinets consist of multiple $50+ bottles of liquor and a grand total of $10 in Wal-Mart brand margarita/hurricane/daiquiri mix.
    — The1and0nlyTeck

  8. bicycles that cost 5 digits
    — xmittsx87

  9. Beginning musicians with hella expensive gear. Yes, expensive guitars/amps/keyboards can be super nice. But there's no guarantee you'll stick with it. This really bothers me when it's children whose parents buy them expensive stuff. You can get perfectly acceptable instruments/gear for reasonable prices that won't hinder your learning.
    — Kill_the_worms

  10. Don’t get too many flexers in construction. Just the occasional asshole and dumbass. Closest thing would be new guys buying a bunch of low quality shiny tools that they won’t need in their current scope of work.... or on the other spectrum buying a $200+ toolbelt when they’re still a laborer, can’t show up on time, and always are looking to leave early.
    — StPariah

  11. Expensive/excessive hunting clothes that people touted as super necessary. People swear by ghille suits and deer urine and say you gotta leave your clothes on the woods for a month. Realistically you just gotta take a shower and sit still
    — kingdav97

  12. Those shitty $80 Crosley record players that look like suitcases. You can get them at Urban Outfitters, who also sells overpriced vinyl of contemporary artists. A person who is buying a record player from UO is likely going to be buying contemporary vinyl, so basically the person is destroying their $25+ vinyl with a shitty needle, and is forced to listen to it through tiny built in speakers (or headphones, sometimes, which is the better option of the two). I guess if you wanted to casually listen to some old records a Crosley could be okay, but I just cringe when I see them. The worst I've seen was a service that sends you contemporary vinyl monthly using one in an advertisement. I don't trust them.
    — scvllyitsme

  13. Compression workout clothes. I do judo, so I understand the need to have form fitting underclothes to prevent mat burn, but the amount of people that believe that the right technical clothes will help them become a better grappler is dumbfounding.
    — BKD_Rei

  14. painter just starting out getting super expensive top of the line paints, canvases and brushes. Work and make mistakes with the cheap or mid range stuff first, then invest in the nice stuff.
    — KungFu-Trash-Panda

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