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People who speak another language than English, what are some good songs with really powerful lyrics most of the world is missing out?

  1. I love Stromae's music. He's an electronic artist from Belgium whose lyrics are in French. My favorites are: Papaoutai - a song about Stromae's dead father and the question what it means to be a good dad Humain a l'eau - speaks of human effects on the environment and the snootiness of the so-called first world towards the so-called third world. What I love about Stromae's music most is that his lyrics are always meaningful and personal and they make you think. Maybe not at first because the sound of his music will make you dance, but when you really listen, it's quite powerful stuff.
    — Ihatecox

  2. German here, a really really great song is [Die Ärzte - Schrei nach Liebe]( (Cry for love) It's a nice mocking song about a racist guy who just pretends to be the hardcore right wing type, because he is a weak little weirdo inside. The chorus >"Deine Gewalt ist nur ein stummer Schrei nach Liebe >Deine Springerstiefel sehnen sich nach Zärtlichkeit >Du hast nie gelernt dich zu artikulieren >Und deine Eltern hatten niemals für dich Zeit" loosely translates to >"Your violence is just as silent cry for love. >Your combat boots are longing for endearment >You never learned to articulate yourself >And your parents never had any time for you."
    — the_last_muppet

  3. Stromae was already mentioned but I also love a song called Speeltuin. Its about a child growing up in war times and the promise of a peaceful future. "Even if we get you out of the war will we ever get the war out of you"
    — throathalflap

  4. If you don't speak French then you're missing out on pretty much every song by Jacques Brel, which honestly makes me sad for all those people. I'll create a kingdom Where love is king Where love is law Where you are queen
    — FellatioDelTor0

  5. **[माँ (Maa "Mother")](** from तारे ज़मीन पर (Taare Zameen Par - Like Stars on Earth) Context: Parents have sent this 9 year boy who doing very bad in his school to a boarding school. This is his first time away from family #Translation Though I've never told you But I'am afraid of darkness mom Though I've never shown it I do care for you mom Aren't you aware of everything mom You know everything my mom Please don't leave me like this in the crowd I won't be able to come back home mom Please, don't send me so far that, Even you won't remember me mom Mom, am I that bad? Am I that bad, my mom? Whenever dad pushes me high on the swing My eyes search for you Thinking you will come and hold me, mom I've never told him But I do get scared mom Though I never let it come on my face I am scared within mom Aren't you aware of everything mom You know everything my mom
    — Kal_Ho_Na_Ho

  6. There's a Filipino song called "Anak" by Freddie Aguilar. It's been around for quite a long time now and has been translated into around fifty languages (not entirely sure about the exact number). The song talks about how children don't appreciate the effort of their parents that much and how their disobedience leads to terrible things. There's the normal cut version and an extended version. I could only find a translation for the normal version, so I'll just explain the extended version. Translated Lyrics: The day you were born to this world Your parents were full of joy And their arms are your light And your mother and father Worry and don't know what to do Watch over you even in your sleep And in the night, a sleepless night, your mother Is still awake to prepare your milk And in the morning you are in the lap Of your father, who is so joyful because of you Now you are all grown up You desire to be independent Even if your parents forbid, they can't stop you Isn't it you that changed a lot Disobeyed them, remained stubborn And you did not follow their advice You did not take the time To think about all the things they've done for you For you desire, only what is pleasurable You just ignored them And the days have passed And you took a wrong turn in life You are imprisoned in a horrible vice And you approach Your dear crying mother And she asks "Child, what happened to you?" And your eyes immediately shed tears Without you noticing You are regretful and realize That you were at fault Basically, in the extended mix, the story continues. What happens is the kid get's a wife and has a family and pretty much tries to make the best of what his parents have taught him and stuff. The actual song (normal mix) is [here](
    — the_nazi_puncher

  7. Epik High & IU- Love Story (연애소설) The first line roughly translates to: We were like magnets, meaning that if one turned his back, we both get farther from each other
    — galvanickorea

  8. Du skal få en dag i mårå - by Alf Prøysen It's about getting another shot at life. It follows a person through a series of stages in life, from childhood to old age. It talks about the hardships of life the person goes through, such as love, rejection, and even thoughts of suicide and the like. Every time the person struggles like that, he comes to a forest to find peace, and the forest tells him that he will get another chance. The song ends when the person is old and goes into the forest to finally be at peace with his life and passing away.
    — TheOldRoss

  9. Jacek Kaczmarski - [Obława]( [translation]( Song talks about need of defending against oppression and was used as one of the anthems for Solidarność in 80s. Tadeusz Woźniak - [Zegarmistrz światła purpurowych]( [translation]( Talks about death and passing. Budka suflera - [Jest taki samotny dom]( [translation]( Changes in life, second chances, love hate life Lady pank - [Zamki na piasku]( [translation](,lady_pank,zamki_na_piasku.html) you need to click green text "pokaż tłumaczenie" next to polish song text. Song essentially talks about everyday life, that when there's weekend and you drink some you start to fantasize about what could've been where in reality you are just another nameless worker in grey world. Akurat - [do prostego człowieka]( [translation]( It's interpretation of Julian Tuwim's poem named to a simple men talks about how men of power use youth and simple people There's plenty, plenty more and I love this classic rock Polish music hope you also enjoy
    — an_unique_name

  10. Noir désir. Le vent nous portera. Unfortunately the singer is an asshole who killed his girlfriend. Also, watch the clip, amazing. I'm not afraid of the journey, We have to see it, we have to taste it, The twists and turns deep inside, Everything is ok there, The wind will carry us, Your message to Ursa Major, And the direction of the journey, A moment of softness, Even if it doesn't result in anything, The wind will take it away, Everything will disappear but, The wind will carry us, A caress and a hail of bullets, And this scab that pulls at us, The palace of another time, Of yesterday and tomorrow, The wind will carry us, Genetics bound up, Chromosomes in the atmosphere, Taxis for galaxies, And my flying carpet says? The wind will take it away, Everything will disappear but, The wind will carry us, The smell of years gone by, Those can knock at your door, An infinity of destinies, We suggest one, but can we keep it? The wind will take it away, Whilst the tide rises, And everyone counts their dues, I'll take you into the depths of my shadow, Your ashes, The wind will carry them, Everything will disappear but, The wind will carry us.
    — tuurrr

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