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You've been asleep for 100 years. What's the first thing you ask?

  1. Where’s the bathroom?
    — Rakeshi97

  2. Let me sleep five more minutes
    — ddss88

  3. Why the hell did you wake me?
    — TranscendtheChaos

  4. Will you go penguin sledding with me?
    — CrimsonPig

  5. How long have I been asleep?
    — Tall_Mickey

  6. How do I get off the great plateau ? What's the direction to Hyrule castle ?
    — Afifi96

  7. Did The Winds of Winter come out yet?
    — SpacePirate65

  8. "Did we win?". The answer to this will be very informative.
    — whosthedoginthisscen

  9. Has Half Life 3 come out yet?
    — NeutronBeam04

  10. "Where is the toilet?" So I can pee for the next 3 years.
    — Apocalypse_Wanderer

    — stellarmancer

  12. Why the fuck was I not presumed dead?
    — teryn2012

  13. Water
    — PM__ME__STEAM___KEYS

  14. To check my phone
    — tsingh1111

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