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What's the best wrong number call you ever received?

  1. This story involves me not receiving a wrong-number call, but facilitating one. When I was a teenager I felt like making a creative prank call, so I used my dad's home-office phone to make a prank conference call. I called one random number and while it started ringing I called another random number on the other line and patched it through. The timing was perfect and the 1st person said "hello?", to which the second (friendly) person replied "oh hello how are you?" They made small talk for about 3 minutes before realizing that neither of them had called the other, and they hung up, very confused. I was very proud.
    — prodigyx360

  2. Got a call from a crying lady about 7 years ago. Saying over and over "mom passed away I don't know how, do you. were supposed to be there...." I'm freaking out because she sounded like my sister...AT least through the hysterical crying and talking. After the first two minutes of trying to get a word edgewise to my "sister" she says she doesn't know how to make it to Marion. WAIT....who is This!!!! Come to find out not my sister but some poor lady whose mom passed and hysterically mis dialed her brother. I was living in Cincinnati at the time and the mom and family...also funeral was in Marion a bit north of colum bus. She apologized and calmed down but by this point I was kind of drawn in based on the emotional roller coaster so I asked her where she lived and found out who she was....very sad situation so I told her I'd pick her up from Lexington KY and take her to Marion the next day...Saturday. I met some of her family and left. Now for the last 7 years I get a Christmas card from this sweet lady and she's come to my home a few times for my kids bdays and my family as well to some of her life events. Summary. Got a call from a lady crying about mom passing. After realizing it wasn't my sister helped her out by driving her to her hometown to see fam and funeral. An initially terrible phone call resulted in a fantastic relationship with a wonderful person.
    — sandy0723

  3. When I was 16 years old a woman called my cell and tried to fire me. She was very worked up, and whatever deadbeat employee she had been trying to call must have been a real piece of work. She was going on about how I never showed up to work, always gave excuses, etc. I kept trying to interject to say "ma'am, I think you have the wrong number" and she was all "don't give me that bullshit, I'm not buying it." Finally I said "ma'am, I don't think you understand. I'm a 16 year old high school student sitting in my parents' basement. I *really* think you have the wrong number." [pause] "Oh my God! Sweetie I'm so sorry to have yelled at you, I hope I didn't upset you" and all that. I just wished her well and told her to give the guy hell, and went back to playing Call of Duty. Pretty wild.
    — benetgladwin

  4. There was a hostage situation with multiple shootings where I live last year sometime. Got a random call from some lady in a completely different state shortly after the media grabbed ahold of the situation. When I answered she yelled "TRISHA, YOU OK BABY?!" I informed her she had the wrong number. She apologized, then she said "Are you ok though? I heard about the hostage situation going on. You're safe? Right?" I live about 25 mins from where the hostage situation took place. But it made me smile that she stayed on the phone with a wrong number to make sure this stranger was ok too. She actually still calls every couple of months to say hi.
    — Lailyna

  5. Got a wrong number call looking for (let's just say) Susie. I told them sorry, you have the wrong number, there's no Susie here. Short time later, they call again, asking for Susie. I politely say nope, still me, no Susie here, you've got the wrong number. They call a third time. I answer in my best crappy female falsetto voice, a la Monty Python (I'm a guy)... ^”Hello?”. "Hi, we're looking for Susie?". ^”This ^is ^she, ^who’s ^calling?” "This is company so-and-so, is this a good time to discuss X?" I reply, but transition from falsetto to mid-range and then to my actual, rather deep voice (bold) during the sentence... "^Sure, ^this ^is ^an ^ok ^time so yeah listen it's still the same **guy and you’ve still got the wrong number**." Short pause, followed by laughter and then saying sorry, and that they won't call again.
    — Stwike_Him_Centuwion

  6. About 12 years ago I got a phone call from an elderly woman looking to talk to her granddaughter. When I told her it was the wrong number she hung up and then immediately call back again. Finally asked her what phone number she was calling and it turned out it was mine. She seemed really sweet and after a couple minutes of talking it we determined that the new phone number that I had must've been her granddaughter's old phone number. She gave me her granddaughters name and town and within a few minutes of Google searching and Facebook Ing and basically cyber stalking , I was able to find the woman's new phone number. I gave it to her and she was able to contact her granddaughter.
    — mrwhibbley

  7. Hey I have a good one! So I answered a call from an unknown number, there is a dude who asks "is this "random name here", I say nope, he says hes drunk and walking back home, I say I'm not drunk but walking back home too, he asks me if we can talk because he's feeling down, we end up figuring out we actually have some mutual friends, we talk for like 6 hours (with breaks) and meet next weekend on a party. This was ~8 years ago and we're still friends. Crazy coincidence but a good one. Also got a looooot of wrong number calls after I changed my number for about 4 years afterwards, but none of them were good.
    — helmia

  8. A guy called me a year or two back, turns out a stripper had given him the wrong number. I'm sure he was very disappointed to find out it was a sixteen year old boy on the other end.
    — mrclubsandwich

  9. My best friends house phone was one number off from a nearby burger king... They got phone calls from irate customers all the time.
    — AuroraSkye333

  10. I pick up the phone and hear what is clearly a child's voice: "Um, hello? This is, um, the refrigerator company?" Okay, so it's clearly a wrong number because I don't know any children, and they're clearly setting me up for an "Is your refrigerator running?" joke. So I decide to mess with them. "Oh, the refrigerator company! Finally, I've been waiting for you to call back for days! My fridge still isn't running - I've defrosted it, I've cleaned the coils, I've reset the circuit breaker, I've tried plugging it into another outlet, it will won't chill. It's not making any noise or anything, the fans don't spin - and yes, I cleaned the fans too. The light works, but that's about it. I've lost hundreds of dollars of food and I'm being greatly inconvenienced by having to buy new food every day. I have an important dinner party on Saturday, and I absolutely must have refrigeration! I need you to send out an emergency technician immediately, because this wait is absolutely unacceptable!" The poor kid breaks down and fesses up that she's just trying to do a prank phone call and she must have gotten the wrong number. So I fess up that I'm just messing with her, give her some tips on scripting and delivery, and we part amicably.
    — jednorazowa

  11. I kept getting calls like this: Me: Hello? Caller: Psychopath Me: Uh... I think you have a wrong number. After about nine such calls over a couple of weeks, I finally noticed in a newspaper ad that the local bicycle shop (Cyclepath) had almost the same phone number as us.
    — riko77can

  12. Few years ago, I had a brief text conversation that went like this: Texter: "Taking big poopie." Me: "Who is this?" Texter: "Sorry wrong number." Me: "No worries. Hope you feel better after." Texter: "I sure will!" It's not the craziest or most wild of things, but still makes me chuckle a bit.
    — blue_alien_police

  13. I'll preface it by saying that my number is apparently similar to a drug dealer named Dante. I have gotten people calling the wrong number at least once a week looking for drugs since I got this number in 2004. I gave up on explaining it and tend to just mess with these people. When I was home from college for the summer probably 10 years ago. Watching TV with my dad, get a call from a number I don't recognize and the conversation went like this: > Hello? > Hey man, what are you up to? > Not much, just chilling, watching TV at my parents house. > Cool, Cool, you want to hang out at my place? > Yeah dude, see you in like 20 minutes? > Cool, see you then. Then I hung up. My dad was like, "Who was that?" and I was all "No idea, wrong number."
    — gwammy

  14. Staying in a hotel, came back to the room one night, message on the machine. Woman with heavy Asian accent: "Hello, please send cookie."
    — timeywimeystuff1701

  15. Picked up the phone once and I said hello. The girl on the other line immediately told me to not talk and just listen. She went on to tell me how she made a mistake and that she feels terrible for what she did to me. Told me she was extremely sorry for ever cheating on me. This went on for about 10 minutes. She kept going on and on about how we were meant for each other and how she would never make that mistake again. Every time I tried to interrupt her she would just say "I'm almost done." She eventually finished and asked me how I felt. I told her she had the wrong number. She said oh and hung up.
    — jaxnax

  16. Many, many years ago when I was 11 or 12 (I'm 43 now), my mom tells me my friend is on the phone. The girl asked for me, and said her name was Laurie (my best friend). So I grab the upstairs extension and we proceed to have a conversation. About 10 minutes into it, I'm thinking something is off. It didn't quite seen like her. So I ask, "I'm sorry, my mom never said who this is..." And she says, Cory. I'm like, uh, I don't know a Cory. She asked who I am, and I'm like this is quickwitqueen. she tells me she was indeed calling for quickwitqueen, but one from another town. My mom had misheard her name and she somehow dialed the wrong number but got someone by my name. We continued to talk for a few more minutes as we were enjoying the convo, but eventually hung up and I never heard from her again.
    — quickwitqueen

  17. Game 1 2005 nba playoffs. I was with my friends watching and rooting for the Pistons and someone in San Antonio randomly dialed a 313 area code number to talk smack and got my cell. We called each other every game after that through game 7, when I unfortunately had to congratulate him on the win.
    — KneeDeepNZombie

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