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What’s your story about having insane sexual/romantic chemistry with someone?

  1. I don't know why I read these threads
    — black_fire

  2. From literally the first message he sent me on okcupid I knew that we had a once-in-a-lifetime connection. Our first date wasn’t the best, slightly awkward, but our second... we people watched on the boardwalk, drank liquor out of gas station soda cups, talked nonstop for literally hours. We had this sexual vibe that’s indescribable. It was like we already knew each other inside and out from our first time together. We were exactly in sync, all the same kinks in perfect complement to each other. Three weeks after our first date we exchanged I love you’s. I know how insane that sounds but I swear to god no love has ever felt more real. We’d already had sex twice that night. The first was kinky, toys and BDSM. The second was intense but slow. I’d had some bad news that day and was feeling down, and he asked me to talk to him about it. We opened up to each other and shared things we’d never told anyone else. We were holding each other after baring our souls and I said it without thinking. He didn’t know if he misheard me so he asked me to repeat it, and I was freaked out so I wouldn’t. He said “If you just said what I think you said, I feel it too. I know how crazy it is but I’m in love with you.” We were both orgasmed out from the two sessions earlier but after he said that it was like we were magnetized. We made love in the most literal way imaginable, he was inside of me body and soul. We fucked for the sole purpose of being as close to each other as possible. I cried from the intensity of it all, it was overwhelming. We were together for six months. When we met he’d already had plans set it stone to move back to his home state when his lease was done, and neither of us could do long distance. So it ended. He taught me who I was, he saw me as a valuable, worthwhile person worthy of love and he forced me to see that too. Two years later I’m living the life I always wanted, happier than I’ve ever been and mentally well, because he was the first to ever believe in me like that. His faith in me changed me fundamentally. He is and always will be the love of my life.
    — accountforsecretsss

  3. Our first kiss was so intense it scared me and I didn't see or talk to him for a month out of fear I would fall in love. Later on I text him out of boredom and it just happened to be the day he planned to take his own life. When he told me i went straight to his hoise and talked him down, we spent hours talking and holding each other and i never felt so at home. A few weeks later we were walking in a park he was walking in front of me and turns aroumd to look at me and it was just surreal I got this euphoric feeling like I was high and i had to catch my breath. he laughed at me and said i think i just saw you fall in love with me. we've been together two years. I'm still just as in love as i was that day in the park but it didn't take long for me to realize those feelings have never been reciprocated and never will be
    — TripleSixSiren

  4. First time I saw her, I stared in her eyes and she in mine. Instant attraction. Total love. Love’s too weak a word. Maybe the Germans have a better word. Paid the fee, put a collar and leash on her and took her home. Best dog ever.
    — thaswhaimtalkinbout

  5. Every day is amazing for my wife and me. We get along so well in every aspect. Romantically, thighs get better every time as well. Recently we've been connecting our usual rate multiplied by 10. I'm very lucky.
    — ____DEADPOOL_______

  6. Coming here was a mistake!!! Retreat!! Retreat!!
    — NappyFlickz

  7. We were both dragged to a Red Lobster for a birthday party that neither of us wanted to go to. He was wearing a My Little Pony shirt and sat across the table from me. Every time someone said something dumb, I would look over at him, and he'd be looking at me, and we'd just sort of lose it. People kept asking why the two of us were laughing or if we had met before (we could not stop talking to each other). The truth is, there's no stronger bond than mutual misery. Fast forward about 5 years later, this dude is my husband, and we're fucking inseparable. Also, sex is good.
    — angelathefirefly

  8. I basically threw my career away because of how attracted I was to my ex. She lived in a different state when we first met. After we hit it off I invited her to spend a week with me in NY, and it was like — I’m not a drug guy, but it’s what I imagine trying crack or heroin for the first time was like. I could NOT get enough of her. We saw each other a few times more over that summer, and then I just moved her in because I couldn’t take the separation. After that, my life went downhill — I couldn’t focus at work because all I could think about was getting back home to her. I’d take days off at a time just to spend with her. I should add that I wasn’t working a blowoff retail job or anything like that — I was a senior associate at an international law firm. Anyway, it didn’t take a lot of this for me to lose my job, and then things cascaded. I found other work, but the same problem arose, so eventually I could only commit to contractual work. This caused money problems, which caused relationship problems. Things got pretty bad between us, but she wouldn’t leave because she likes living in NYC rent-free, and I couldn’t commit to breaking up because I was so — I mean, “addicted” sounds dumb but that’s exactly what I was, she was my drug and I was a hapless junkie. After a 3 years of this she decided she’d had enough of New York and moved back home without any warning or further communication, and I bottomed out. To continue the drugs analogy, imagine a heroin addict who didn’t want to quit, but just can’t get heroin anymore. It took me another year to move on and finally start to put my life back to some semblance of what it was before. Now my career is back on track and I’m happily engaged to a great woman, and that period of my life is just a dark memory. But there’s a part of me that wonders, if she knocked on my door right now, whether I’d be able to resist her.
    — abunchofsquirrels

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