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You have 30 days to eat 300 eggs. How do you do it?

  1. I guess I'll have to cut back a little.
    — PlasmicDynamite

  2. Eat 10 a day
    — CreepingDeath17

  3. Eat all on day 1 and never eat eggs again
    — infinit187K

  4. Scrambled eggs/omelettes for breakfast every day and then bake giant cakes for dessert.
    — dogdogdogsquirrel

  5. Procrastinate untill the last couple hours
    — Billypilgrim412

  6. One spoonful of caviar should be more than 300.
    — elcad

  7. I once attempted eating 50 boiled eggs after watching Cool Hand Luke. I failed. In 30 days I could easily eat 10 per day. My farts would be horrifying though.
    — ColdBeef

  8. eat a bunch of quiche, omelettes, use eggs in coatings of meat, make every recipe have an egg or two.
    — jaokal

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