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People who survived 2012 apocalypse, what is your story?

  1. Woke up, took a shower, and then went to work. Overheard someone talking about it on the subway, and I said to myself "oh right, that's today. I guess I'll get some taco bell for lunch."
    — Mogtaku

  2. I have a "waste of space" nephew who, at the age of 40 lives with his father and has never supported himself. He spends most of his time on the internet perusing every conspiracy theory in existence and is convinced that he is smarter than anyone else because he "knows what's really going on." He is, in fact, so dumb that he would lose a game of checkers to a chicken. A few years ago he became obsessed with the Mayan Calendar End of the World nonsense. At our family Thanksgiving dinner in 2011 he insisted that the world would be destroyed the following year, in December of 2012. I told him that I was so sure he was wrong that I would bet him $10 of his money against $10,000 of my money that the world would not end on that date. I assured him that I was completely sincere and guaranteed it in front of our entire family. He said, "Wait. So if I'm wrong all I owe you is ten bucks, but if I'm right you'll give me ten thousand dollars? You're on!" We shook on it. It took him a week to catch on.
    — requisitename

  3. Went to a big party at a local bar. If the world is going to end, do it up big, right? Ended up kissing a handsome guy there. Fast forward 5 years and some change later, we are now happily married with an almost-2 year old daughter. We joke that it was The Day The World Was (Supposed) To End, but for us- it all just started.
    — shypye

  4. I went to bed, woke up, and life kept going. It was about as eventful as Y2K.
    — the_eric

  5. John Cusack saved me.

  6. I went to Hell. It’s exactly like my real life.
    — Bidcar

  7. Our teacher mentioned it during class. One of my classmates whispered: "Oh my god, what if it really happens? Like it could, it is possible..." Her friend asked her how likely it was that we would spend the day in class instead of with our families if anyone found it at all plausible that it would be our last day on earth.
    — PuzzleheadedHole

  8. It was a dark and stormy night... drains were clogged all over the city.
    — madd74

  9. *The evil that happened those days should never never be spoken...*
    — vmc_7645

  10. I sat in bed waiting for it and it never happened
    — Djdanny90999

  11. We had a party during that day. I enjoyed the party and waited for the world to end.
    — Paul8491

  12. For those that don't know, the Mayan calendar counts time periods. They had a 20 day uinal. 18 uinals was a tun (360 days, so about a year). 20 tuns was a k'atun (so about 20 years). 20 k'atuns was a b'ak'tun (about 394 years). The 13th b'ak'tun ended on 21 December 2012. In 1966 Michael Coe wrote that there is a suggestion in Mayan texts that this could create Armageddon. Other Mayan scholars said "No, it means we finished a 13 cycle period. It means we set off some fireworks, drink a little too much, and tomorrow start the next one while nursing a hangover." Some idiots decided "No, Michael Coe said 'might'! And since I've never heard of him before, he must be right!" He wasn't.
    — T25Victim

  13. Had Korean BBQ, texted a few people as you do for chats... got a lot of Soju in... Went home and slept (somewhat disappointed at all the hype... they even made a movie about it!)
    — Scrambl3z

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