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What is the most dangerous activity you have ever willingly participated in?

  1. Riding a motorbike in Thailand is most likely statistically the most dangerous activity I've ever participated in.
    — sadisticspice

  2. I went kayaking on acid once. At one point I was swimming and started laughing so hard I couldn't stay above water, but even underwater I couldn't stop laughing and swallowed quite a bit of water.
    — jdb7121

  3. The 'pull out' method... Or skydiving
    — Kelevra8-8

  4. There was a thread not long ago where I shared a couple stories from when I briefly worked in the reptile department of a privately-owned zoo, I was regularly handling pythons up to 18 feet long as well as potentially venomous snakes such as rattlesnakes and king cobras. I say "potentially" venomous because this facility would have the snakes' venom glands surgically removed, however it was possible for those glands to grow back so it was never a guarantee. There's also no antivenin available in this state for some of the snakes we kept. Anyway, with that mind one of our two king cobras woukd refuse to eat if she didn't get to go outside a few times a week. King cobras are normally pretty docile, the 13 foot male at the park was very relaxed and easy to handle. The 10 foot female was very easily riled up, and would occasionally strike the glass of their enclosure at passong guests. Guess which snake we had to move outside a few times a week. We'd have to very carefully wrangle her in to a plastic bin, take her to an empty outdoor enclosure, then wrangle her back in at the end of the day. Evey single time this bitch had her hood flared out and was hissing at us in a very unhappy tone. And let me tell you, a king cobra hiss is scary as fuck, it sounds more like a blowtorch than anything. We would do this 2 or 3 times a week, weather permitting.
    — Wolfman513

  5. I played russain roulette with myself many years ago with one in the chamber out of a 5 shot revolver. I was very depressed and suicidal. Im much better now
    — wah97

  6. leaning over the railing at the Grand Canyon.
    — cayde6lover

  7. I want to say urban exploring. Both illegal and often risky AF depending on how decayed the structure is Statistically, though, riding my bike without a helmet
    — angederoses

  8. Solo scuba diving in the Red Sea. One fuck up and no one would even know. Would probably have never even found my body. Hands down the most relaxing and pleasurable dive I have ever done, 100% would do again if given the chance.
    — KP_PP

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