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If you could say one thing to your 16 year old self, what would it be?

  1. Stop caring so much about what other people think. They are all as self conscious as you are.
    — TwinCitiezTwin

  2. You need to make a clean break with her. She's never coming back and you're not going to be able to be happy until you do. Also, buy Apple Stock. And Bitcoin.
    — Killfile

  3. for the love of god take vet assistant before vet tech, mom and dad are still going to be fighting so ignore it nothing you can do, dont trust mom and dad when they say they are going to buy bird food
    — Gracynvh

  4. I am actually at the point where I would not say anything. I am happy with who I am. Maybe I'd say something like "never change, you'll be happy with yourself finally" but I'm afraid that'd just ruin everything.
    — Ratox

  5. You're not as fat as you think you are. Get a haircut, take some pride in your appearance. Girls are just people, try talking to them and see what happens...
    — Torns_Daddy

  6. She thinks you're cute, go for it.
    — the_man_in_the_box

  7. "Hi, sixteen-year-old Max." "Oh, no. No. [Not you again](" "I'm afraid so. I come with a grave warning." "Don't you always? What, are you here to tell me that my first real girlfriend is going to dump me?" "Ha! No. Quite the opposite, in fact." "We're going to get married?" "No, you're going to dump *her* when you realize that you're only with her out of fear." "Shut up! No, I'm not! That will never happen!" "It will, actually... and what's more, you'll go on to date someone who's brilliant, beautiful, and *actually* interested in you." "Hey! My girlfriend *likes* me!" "She really doesn't, dude. She sees you and your family as an escape from her lower-class life, and she's actively cheating on you." "... Shut up." "Yeah, that bit with the pills wasn't a one-time thing. Anyway, that *other* girl – the attractive one – is going to dump you, but she'll later regret it. In the meantime, you'll go on this sexual bender and... well, I already told you about that." "I remember. I don't know whether I should be really depressed or really excited about this." "Eh. You'll mostly feel apathetic about it later on in life." "Uh-huh. Is that your 'grave warning?'" "What? Oh, right! No, I'm here to tell you that you're about to burn yourself *really* badly, and that you'll have a scar on your hand for the rest of your life." "*What?!*" "Actually, come to think of it... that won't happen for another year or two, and that's only the *first* burn. I'd better go a bit further forward in time." "*Why the hell do you make my life so miserable?!*" "Come on, man! Time travel? How is that not cool?" "*Go away!*" "Yeah, yeah, I'm going. Watch out for knife-wielding idiots who dress in all black!" "Wait, *what?!*" "You'll see... and I'll see *you* in [two years](!" "*I hate you!*" ------ ^Want ^(to read from the beginning?) ^[Click]( ^[here](!
    — RamsesThePigeon

  8. Dad didn't take your dog to a farm to roam free.
    — donutshopsss

  9. Start lifting weights. Even just for an hour 3 times a week will make a huge difference.
    — Newarfias

    — SynfulVisions

  11. Bet all your money on the US hockey team in the 1980 Olympics
    — remarqer

  12. Stop procrastinating and study, damn you
    — --Doom--

  13. I promise it gets better. I know it’s your first heartbreak but there will be other people. And DON’T TELL GRACE YOU LOVE HER FOR THE LOVE OF GOD Edit: The girl I was talking about in the first sentence is not Grace.
    — TheGreatJLK

  14. I know your parents haven't had a cat yet and you'd like to get one. You will get one when you are on your own and while they are awesome pets they are also very, very strange. You'll secretly think dogs are better but you won't tell anyone. Also spend as much time with your best friend as you can, he dies unexpectedly. Make sure you go see him shortly after his first kid is born. You'll decide to stay home that weekend and you'll regret it.
    — Koomalagala

  15. I don't know, does it have to be verbal? Can I punch him instead?
    — DandyBubbles

  16. Work harder in math goddammit
    — nadya_hates_say

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