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What are you shocked that you had to explain to someone from another generation?

  1. How I knew the entire plot of the movie Troy without having seen it yet.
    — mltain

  2. I’ve had several arguments where I was trying to explain that child predators DID exist before the 90’s. They’ve been around as long as people have. I am baffled at this idea some people have that in ‘the good old days’ everyone was nice and kind and good. It doesn’t make any fucking sense.
    — onawhimim

  3. My dad was angry at me for not having AOL's browser on my laptop because be wanted to check his email.
    — Ready-Player-2

  4. A great many old people -- I mean really old -- don't understand inflation. Just don't get it. I had an old guy dis his daughter for me because she complained she couldn't afford a house on a $35K teacher's salary. And he said, "When _I_ was her age, I made $35K and I COULD afford a house." Yeah. That was 40 years ago. Houses were only $50K around here. Inflation-adjusted, he was mid-100Ks. But he didn't get it. Didn't want to. No, daughter was just LAZY.
    — Tall_Mickey

  5. Calling collect from a payphone to get picked up by your parents... "Please say your name after the tone." "MomI'mDoneWithPracticeComePickMeUp!"
    — ChataZefUp

  6. Closing a program on a computer doesn't delete the program.
    — Aphex93

  7. That credit cards existed before the internet. They used to have to phone up the credit card people to verify the card!
    — AggressiveScratch

  8. Not to look at his phone repeatedly during. An. Interview.
    — DoLittlest

  9. "Do NOT order things off of Facebook Grandma!" More times then I can count :: hits head on imaginary desk :::
    — DoctorsSong

  10. I had to explain what a yo-yo was to my brothers son... he thought it was lame
    — Jollynutter91

  11. That you can't just grab a "help wanted" sign from Old Man Cooter's merchantile winder and have yerself a jerb sweepin floors. Doesn't work like that anymore, Mom and Dad.
    — sauerpatchkid

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