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What was your "time to be an asshole" moment?

  1. Going through security at St. Thomas to get back on the cruise ship. My mom is a paraplegic from a car accident and in a motorized wheelchair and just had the security guard wave the wand over her and a old lady in a jazzy says behind us "why doesn't she have to get up?" I glared with such intensity I would've became Scott Summers and yelled at her, "its because she can't walk!" Her family was rightfully visually embarrassed from the ignorance of their grandmother
    — sloSRT4

  2. My mom died about six years ago and my sister works as a cashier in a convenience store. Around mother's day she gets a lot of people politely asking what her plans for Mother's day is, and she always replies something vague like, "Oh, not much." or "Something small with the family" which gets her by. This one lady did not find this a good enough answer and started to lecture her about how that wasn't good enough and we should treat our mother right as my sister is scanning and bagging her items. When she's finished she just looks the lady in the eye and goes, "My mother died a few years ago. Have a good day." I got the story in a rage phone call right after it happened.
    — howispellit

  3. My assistant manager "forgot" to interview me for a promotion. Two weeks later she left me a frantic voicemail asking me to come in early because we were short-handed and a regional manager was coming in for an inspection. I went to the gym instead.
    — Somgr81

  4. I was on a NY subway, and a guy came through the car handing out pens with a little note card. It said that he was deaf, and he sells these pens for donations. People saw me take a pen, make some hand gestures, break the pen in half, and give it back to him. I was raised in the deaf community, who hated this scam. I signed, "You're not deaf. Even if you are, this is illegal." He didn't have a clue what I said.
    — Scrappy_Larue

  5. Dropping a bucket of honesty to a co-worker about how she is a bitch to everyone and how everyone is fed up with her, in front of everyone.
    — vandemicon

  6. Was waiting in line at Verizon. Some lady wanted to get in front of me because she was in the parking lot first, but I got out and waited at the door for them to open. If I let her in front of me it would have just meant that I would be 2nd in line but fuck that presumptuous old hag. I told her, The line starts at the door, not in your car in the parking lot.
    — Richard-Hindquarters

  7. A friend of mine was verbally abusing her boyfriend right in front of me and my wife. It was making both of us extremely uncomfortable so I said "Rachel (not her real name) you're being a huge bitch right now." And she had the audacity to tell me to mind my own business. Like, Rachel, if you're gonna stand in the fucking kitchen in front of other people and say this shit, it's not your own business anymore. You MADE it my business by doing it in front of me. Go berate your boyfriend in your bedroom with the door closed. Not a frikkin common area of the house. Better yet, don't talk to your significant other that way. It's not right.
    — AggressivelyNice

  8. One of my female friends is incredibly sweet (she was one of my roommates at the time). Yet, she had this super douche bag of a boyfriend. He mooched off her, treated her like shit, and abused our house for his own purposes. A buddy and I were at the bar and we see him with another girl. They are clearly together. I take a photo of them kissing and I show it to her. She doesn't even confront him about it. Same thing happens the next week, but hes with a new girl. When I saw him at the house shortly after I lost it. 6 months of hate finally exploded and I turned him inside out. My friend called me an asshole for saying all that shit to him and wanted me to apologize. I didn't. Within 2 days they broke up. 4 years later, she now thanks me for doing that, as it forced her to put things into perspective.
    — Aedan2016

  9. On a cruise ship I was on a line getting a meal. Some girl tried not only cut in front of me but tried to sneak her family in as well. I yelled at the top of my lungs to get back the fucking line. Fortunately another person behind me also chewed her out as well.
    — paganthegreat

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