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Which music genre do you hate the most?

  1. ITT: those people who listen to "everything but rap and country"
    — SomeOtherOrder

  2. Girl+her guitar+sensitive song she wrote, ermergerd
    — russianout

  3. As a Christian, Christian rock is the cheesiest and most cliched thing ever
    — copaceticbilly

  4. I don't hate any genre, but I strongly dislike country.
    — Rpgwaiter

  5. Whatever subgenre that someone snobbishly corrects me too. "Bro, that's not War Metal, that's Blackened Death Metal". Dude, I don't know a ton about this music and was asking to be nice.
    — ConneryFTW

  6. Country.
    — italianssss

  7. Mumble Rap. It's juhnahmahcuppatea.
    — flipadelphia119

  8. For fun in this thread, sort by controversial.
    — 404clichE

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