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What superpower would actually suck in real life?

  1. Super hearing, I have enough trouble falling to sleeps with the pipes' noises as it is.
    — ShadowPuppett

  2. There was an X-men comic about a teenager who manifested his mutant powers to involuntarily absorb the lifeforce of those around him. He just woke up one day and found piles of ash and empty clothes where his family was, and thought his town was abandoned when he sees the same everywhere. Then he goes to school and witnesses what happened firsthand as his powers horribly kill a whole crowd of students, including this girl he possibly likes. In the end, only Wolverine could approach him due to his healing factor, and the kid allows him to mercy kill him out of despair. Some folks made a [fan film]( of this story years back.
    — wildcard18

  3. Any superpower that doesn't come "Packaged" with the assortment of necessary add-ons for it not to be self-destructive. Super Speed- Sure you can run faster than the speed of sound but if you hit anything you're dead. You would need the reflex, sight and durability amongst other issues for this to even be viable. Most Super Powers have these draw backs and need "implied" powers to support it.
    — pirateaccountant

  4. Always thought that being cyclops would suck. Always gotta be careful about your glasses. Dating a borderline maniac redhead who is also pursued by a self healing adamantium claw wielding rabid madman. And you probably can't even clearly see where you're supposed to aim your damn eye lasers.
    — poopellar

  5. The ability to null other super abilities. It is a really cool and strong ability in most super stories however I doubt it would be useful in real life.
    — wanaty

  6. I feel like super strength would be less “pick up this train” and more “ITS A BOY!” and you accidentally mash a baby into pudding
    — travmainy

  7. The ability to see through clothing if you cannot control when you use it.
    — LaLongueCarabine

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