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What "Check Engine" light in your life are you ignoring right now? Why?

  1. My actual check engine light. It's been on for well over a year with no actual problems. Then it randomly turned off... I was pretty worried about that for maybe a week. I was thinking I should take it in to a mechanic, but then it turned back on again so I think it's fine now.
    — therestlessone

  2. Warning: Fat stores increasing Warning: you must find a job in 3 months URGENT: haven’t had a shit all day
    — elkazay

  3. I hate checking mail because all i ever get are bills and debt collections letters. I'll leave my mail in the box for a month or more, dreading going out and getting it, because I hate to be reminded that the only people who ever contact me only want the money I work so incredibly hard for and is completely gone after I pay rent, phone, car, gas, water, electric, insurance and if I'm lucky a few groceries for the week. I also have difficulty getting myself to text people or text them back. I'll see texts I've left unanswered for days, and it gives me anxiety that I haven't responded but I just can't get myself to respond. Idk what's going on there, but I do get inspiration from the comic of the dog sipping coffee while his house burns around him, repeating that ever-assuring mantra "THIS IS FINE" "I'M OK WITH THE EVENTS THAT ARE UNFOLDING HERE"
    — jaykayel

  4. Had a stroke when I was 11. It was due to a blood clot. There was a single MRI done a couple months afterward. The results showed the clot had shrunk a small amount. That is the last time I ever had it looked at. I'm 32 now.
    — logicalnoise

  5. I keep getting these random lumps in different places. Once one goes away, another appears in a new spot. And it hurts like a mother fucker.
    — WhenAllElseFail

  6. I've been drinking beers after work every single day for over a year now. I didn't think it was a problem because it was only after work. Well, I tried to stop the other day and couldn't. I got so antsy and irritable after a couple of nights of not drinking. So I of course started drinking again rather than address why I'm drinking.
    — Judge_Bredd2

  7. My dad has dementia and lives alone. He refuses to move closer to me or to a retirement home and he's not sick enough where I can force him. Sooner or later, I'm going to find out that he left his house for milk and wound up in Mexico.
    — jabroni26

  8. I need serious dental help, bordering on emergency. Aside from cosmetic issues (I was unable to get braces as a teen due to a surgery I had done earlier), at least one of my teeth is straight up breaking apart. It doesn't hurt yet, but I know it's going to. I'm not doing anything about it partly due to debilitating anxiety and shame about letting it get this bad (the bulk of the damage was done at a low point in my life I'd rather forget) and partly due to fear of the cost. I'm flat broke and I have no way to pay for expensive dental surgery. Shit, I can't afford a check-up.
    — strtdrt

  9. Got fat, too lazy for gym, fat levels increasing, send help
    — Komikaze06

  10. Getting a job. Been unemployed for over 4 years now. Should probably get my life back together, but mental illness makes it seem damn near impossible.
    — Mad_Squid

  11. I have a lump under my tongue that swells up a lot sometimes to the point of making talking difficult. Don't have the money or time to worry about it though
    — BoyNosNcheerios

  12. My "check mental health" light has been on for what seems like forever. I put tape over it and I'll ignore it until it breaks.
    — PunchyPractitioner

  13. Saving for my kids' college. Once the daycare days are over, the plan is to roll that cost into it.
    — crappyroads

  14. My neck hurts to the point that it's interfering with my ability to sleep. I should probably get it looked at, but I don't have a PCP.
    — dottmatrix

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