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How long were you engaged before you got married and why?

  1. Engaged for 1.5 years. Most of the venues we wanted were booked for that long out. We also weren't in any particular rush and it was nice to plan at a leisurely pace.
    — Mighty_Fine_Shindig

  2. Dated 5 years, engaged 1 year, divorced after 2 years. We took a year to plan and save up for the wedding.
    — bigguysmalldog

  3. Dated a year, and engaged for a year. My wife is a planner, and to keep things affordable we did 90% of the things ourselves. Her aunt helped with boquets made of fake flowers because my wife doesn't see the point of killing a plant to enjoy it's beauty. We made the favors ourselves, made the decorations ourselves, it took a year alone to find blue vases for centerpieces at yard sales. Finding a restaurant for rehearsal dinner and a hotel for everyone was actually a REAL bitch, nobody returned calls or even put it in their events calendar. We took a suggestion for a restaurant we thought was way out of our price range because I had been there multiple times before. I took my now wife there for a nice Italian meal and she was blown out of the water (I knew she would be), we asked for a catering menu and were amazed. 35 ppl was actually affordable and they put us in the calendar immediately. As for the hotel, I almost had to drive there myself to get things straight. Anyway, that's my story. My wedding was the best party I've ever been to, thinking of doing it again at our 10th!
    — TheMightyIrishman

  4. Dated for 2 years, lived together for nearly a year. When got engaged planned to get married about a year later but in a month we found out that I'm pregnant so we made it happen in 3 months. Everything turned out to be good

  5. Got engaged after 3 weeks. Married after 7 years together. Been together 11 in November 17. 36 weeks pregnant -finally!
    — Willowwinchester

  6. My parents were together for four years before getting engaged, they were engaged for 23 years and got married 4 months ago!
    — AJKettles

  7. Four years dating. 2 weeks engaged because we just went to city hall. Planning a get together eventually.
    — Grogenhymer

  8. 6 months, we had been friends for multiple years, got together because we loved each other and dated/lived with each other for a year. We had the money and we knew we were right for each other.
    — justTexasthings

  9. We dated for 3 years, engaged for 2 years, married for almost 5 years now. We were engaged for 2 years because we were still in college at the time, and waited to graduate and get a little footing with jobs and an apartment first.
    — CicadaLife

  10. We will have been engaged for two years when we get married in July. The first 6 months we were settling in to living together and just enjoyed being engaged, so we didn’t sort anything. The remaining 1.5 years have allowed us to plan at a leisurely pace while also giving us lots of time to save up.
    — elizaboyng

  11. Dated for 5 years, engaged for 1 (almost 2) year, and now married for 6. My husband had just finished college so we were saving up and I was DIY-ing a ton for our wedding.
    — kiky23

  12. 8 months between proposal and wedding ceremony. We didn't need much time to save as we had a registry office wedding and proper northern (british) reception with a nice spread at a pub. We'd dated for 1yr 2m before getting engaged, but known each other for years. We'll be three years married in the summer.
    — petlamb21

  13. Dated for 5 months, got engaged and remained in that state for 22 months further. Saved up and had a kickass day, coming up to our first anniversary.
    — whiskey__throwaway

  14. Dated eight months, we were engaged for one month then eloped.
    — ElbisCochuelo

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