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You die and go to 'Mehven' the meh version of Heaven, what do you find there?

  1. dude trying and failing to play Wonderwall on the harp
    — TheWolfship

  2. It's just Earth but: - The world is politically fine - People are generally nice - You have very few responsibilities - Your disabilities/negative conditions are gone
    — Scripter17

  3. Frozen yoghurt. It’s only okay!
    — DarrowAuLykos

  4. Mehven exists it's Northern Germany. The landscape is flat without being too dull, the people are stand offish, frank and suffer fools lightly, yet not rude or unpleasant. The food is wholesome and filling but void of flare or an excess of anything. The climate is mild and damp. Even Hamburg, although cool in her own way doesn't draw you in like Berlin, Cologne or Munich.
    — tomdwilliams

  5. All bottled wine has been replaced by boxes of Franzia.
    — professor_chameleon

  6. Streets of brass.
    — i_haz_username

  7. Off brand Oreos
    — Mayanoke

  8. Life doesn't flat-out suck, but it's also painfully average and boring too because of lack of variety. Like Meh-Jesus was too lazy so randomly picked a few things you liked and made that your eternity. Maybe he'll come back and change things up every few millennia, if he remembers.
    — something4222

  9. All the cereal you can eat, for eternity. But the generic kind that comes in a bag like dog food.
    — TheFuckNameYouWant

  10. Bort novelty license plates.
    — Joe434

  11. A fridge stocked with your favorite beer, but it's always warm, a jukebox of all your favorite songs but they're sung by the Eagles- and live, too. Plus a little spoken word William Shatner poetry on there for good measure. Your only movies are VHS copies of Cannonball Run II. That sort of thing.
    — hauntedbypaul

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