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What do you hope to see go away within your lifetime?

  1. Cancer. Fuck cancer.
    — thebrowntown12

  2. Alzheimer’s - just a terrifying disease for all involved, I hope I live to see it cured.
    — VictorBlimpmuscle

  3. slavery across the world Edit: a word
    — pumpkinator21

  4. Glorifying/accepting of ignorance. We live in a time with the greatest collection of human intelligence at our fingertips, and yet people still seem to be content with a lack of fundamental concepts relevant to 2 centuries ago. It's sad.
    — ceoltoirgaeilge

  5. Polio. We're so close. We have fewer than 100 cases a year now, but the final eradication is difficult.
    — Hexomin

  6. Child and animal abuse. I know it's impossible because people are assholes, but I can hope damnit
    — PM_Me_Happy_Lolis

  7. Scientology. Also really interesting to see what really went on in Gold Base and what happened to Shelly Miscavige and such.
    — imjohnk

  8. Single planet habitation.
    — CH_Blackgate

  9. Straight up, any mental illness.
    — Tokamak-drive

  10. Honestly, acne. Sure, it's not cancer or heart disease, but it's a moderate annoyance that affects nearly everyone. Despite all the research, there aren't any certain "cures" for it. I know people who have cut out random foods from their diet only to improve their skin marginally. If you ask 10 people, you'll get 10 different product recommendations or at-home recipes. Many acne sufferers deal with it for decades, from adolescence into mid-adulthood. My skin is clear now, but it requires diligent care, and I feel guilty if I go bed without thoroughly cleansing, moisturizing, etc. I could save so much time, money, and mental space if these pesky little bumps didn't exist. They serve no purpose and in all of human existence, I doubt pimples have ever been considered "attractive."
    — yellowpolish

  11. The partition that is so divisive in my country. I truly believe that before I die I will see a united Ireland.
    — chinchillaz69

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