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What is your worst group project experience?

  1. Got paired with a kid once who said, "look, either I can do the whole thing and we get an F, we can both do work and get a C, or you can do it all and we get an A" Pretty sure he ended up doing some work, but I still did the majority of it.
    — Jesepe

  2. Story number two. While in a computer programming class in college our proff put us into groups of 6 to build C++ programs. Each week we had to create our application together. within our group there was a very nice kid, he was younger than all of us. And a brilliant programmer. At the first meeting he just said to us "Listen, this is too easy for me. You guys will just slow me down and waste my time. These programs might seem hard, the other teams will spend 5-15hrs a week to build the code. It will take me 30-45min. I will share my work, play nice, give you guys the credit. But I DO NOT NEED YOUR HELP. If you want an easy A, stay, if you want to participate go find another team" He wasn't joking. Each Monday we would get our assignment, he would have it done before the end of the lab. Where the rest of the teams would need all week. I still learnt C++ well enough to get a good grade. But that guy put us on his back.
    — cdnpaul

  3. He had to to come up with a fake news report for a company in business class. Everything was done last minute and I had to edit all the video clips together in photography. It ended up being the worst most unorganized presentation in the class.
    — renegade_kid

  4. I think a lot of us had the 'I'm the only one working on this and yet everyone gets the grade' story, myself included. Not as bad, though, I've actually have one that's the opposite. I had an assignment for a class that was to be done in pairs. It was assigned day 1, but due an entire quarter later, and was a modest sized project--we could bang it out in a week, with some focus, but not in one night or anything. So, I talked to my partner about our timeline--we would start two weeks before it's due, do an excellent job in the first week, and use the second week as wiggle room. Good plan. Two weeks before the assignment was due, I say "we should probably get started on this now", and he pulls it out, like 97% finished and was like "oh yeah I already did it". Like, don't get me wrong here, I appreciate not having to do work as much as the next guy, but I feel like a scumbag for not really contributing. I did put the final touches on it, but it was really nothing at all. He didn't seem resentful or anything, he acknowledged that he didn't really give me a chance to help, but still. I like to be able to contribute something, you know?
    — PMMeKaraokeRequests

  5. In a "diversity" class in college, the teacher issued the semester project and randomized people into groups. I was stuck with these four knuckleheads who constantly skipped class and mocked the class material. Yeah I know, the class was pretty dull, but seriously. Well I like getting a good grade, and the project (which was a huge chunk of our grade) was super easy, so I offered to just do it myself. The only thing was, since we all had to present in front of the class, I wanted to get together and go over the powerpoint slides with them. Every time I asked them about the project, they'd give me some BS reason to get out of it, until the week it was due. Then they were like 'just send us the Powerpoint and write down what we should say.' Ugh! So I wrote each one a script and e-mailed out the presentation material. Presentation day. Only one of them bothered to print his script out. Other three just shrugged and said they'd read off the Powerpoint. Well, had they bothered to open the Powerpoint, they would have realized how terrible that idea was. Even the grading rubric for the presentation said something like 'no complete sentences on Powerpoint; bulleted words only'. So we all get in front of the class, I introduce the group and go through the first set of slides, and pass the torch. Next guy obviously had never seen the material before and didn't even try to act like he had. I actually remember him saying 'Yeah so like, um this picture of a business you can see has a good ratio of brown people, so I'd say it's diverse.' The rest of them weren't much better. I had to step in a couple times when someone got lost, but hey, the presentation was done and we actually got an A- on it. **BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!** We also had to give a peer review. The professor knew what was going on with the group, and every time I went to her about it she'd give me some unhelpfulteacher.jpg line like 'Well, rally the troops! I'm sure you'll think of something!' So imagine my surprise when I got an F on my project. Went to her office to find out that the knuckleheads had all given me a bad peer review, and they gave each other stellar reviews. I talked to her, my student advisor, and the dean but I ended up retaking the class anyway. Thanks, assholes! **TL;DR Volunteered to do all the work on a group project to ensure a good grade, ended up failing anyway because the asshats I was grouped with gave me a bad peer review. Professor knew about it and didn't care.**
    — 0w1

  6. Got paired up alphabetically in partners. I was paired up with a football player (D1 top school). We had to present a project to the class that was 1/3 of our grade. He was extremely hard to get in touch with all semester. Refused to get together to meet. He said he’d take care of his part Asshole didn’t show up the day of our presentation. So I had to wing his part and try to do it all alone.
    — arcant12

  7. The most accurate meme I’ve ever seen on group projects was the one that said “When I die, I want my group project members to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time.” It’s applied to about 80% of all the group projects I’ve ever been involved in.
    — thatssokaitlin

  8. My experience was fucking outrageous! -I payed for all the materials. -I did 66% of the work. Yet she had the nerve to go over to the teacher on the final day, and told him that she refused to share the grade we got with me (100%), because I didn't contribute to the project. I ended up getting a 0% because the teacher was reluctant to look at the evidence. To this day she continues being a hypocrite two-faced bitch. She is still surprised at why her and I don't get along.
    — BenLinus3000

  9. Programming project in Java, three people, four weeks time, about 3000 lines of code First person (A) said she can't program for shit but will do the entire documentation - not perfect but okay Second person (B) who has not been at University for two semesters says he can't program yet but wants to be done after two weeks and get an A We did the outline together, B got the job of import and export of two files that were needed, I did everything that was to happen otherwise. I always put all my stuff on the Dropbox where we had access together, B didn't upload anything. I send A everything she needs to know for the documentation On the hand in day I receive the code from B. It's 200 lines, doesn't follow the outline we created in the beginning and doesn't actually do anything. Luckily I had also programmed his bit of the program, so it wasn't a massive issue Overall my program wasn't great, it worked somewhat, enough for all of us to pass. By the time when I could have had him thrown out from the group I was over the entire thing, I just wanted it being done, so I accepted my barely passing grade. B left the university a few months after that
    — sioux612

  10. I had two group members do their part entirely wrong and when I told them our parts don’t match, they said “fuck it I’m going to bed” I had to fix the whole project until 2-3am and we ended up getting 80%, but I felt they didn’t deserve it.
    — Alornoth

  11. As a socially awkward person, being in a group assigned by the professor where I don’t know anyone, and all of them know each other.
    — porkenbens

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