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What is the most irritating movie cliche?

  1. **"WAIT! I CAN EXPLAIN!"** *-proceeds to do everything except explain-*

  2. The detective who’s two steps ahead of everyone gets kicked off the case, then investigates anyway and gets a promotion he turns down when he solves the case.
    — Pasalacqua87

  3. Gunshot wounds are either instantly fatal or a minor inconvenience
    — ohiodeathtrip

  4. I know landlines are all-but-gone, but the dial-tone doesn't play when someone hangs up on you.
    — InternetKidsAreMean

  5. The altercation that arises because a character isn’t willing to listen to the reasonable and logical 5-second explanation.
    — Solid_Snark

  6. When the nerd says something using scientific jargon that sounds complicated but really any reasonable adult would understand, and the the jock tells him to repeat what he just said "in English".
    — Burritozi11a

  7. People acting stupidly in order to further the plot.
    — cthiax

  8. The hacker who always conveniently knows everything and is able to break into secure databases by blindly typing at their keyboard.
    — DitDashDashDashDash

  9. When all the high school kids look like they're well into their thirties
    — WhenAllElseFail

  10. How easy it is to knock someone out.
    — dougglatt

  11. That there HAS to be a romantic plot.
    — Jessica_Jose

  12. When a character turns on the TV or radio and it immediately gives them the information they need. Like if a character needs money and they flip on the TV and it tells them that there’s a competition for a cash prize.
    — giniajoe

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