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What's the most disappointing movie you've ever seen?

  1. I absolutely loved the Alex Rider series in middle school. They finally adapted the first book into movie, and I was convinced it was gonna be the next Harry Potter or Twilight(in terms of popularity). Nope. Movie took the source material and shat on it. The movie isn’t good by its own right either. Even the author said he regrets having the movie made.
    — Pasalacqua87

  2. Assassin's Creed It wasn't bad, just...disappointing.
    — HonorUndRespect

  3. The dark tower. Took great source with a huge fan base and adulterer it for the general public to the point it no longer represents the source.
    — Showmeyourhappyspot

  4. Eragon. I have to wonder why they thought deviating from the book was a good idea, considering how popular it was at the time. I mean, characters are missing (including races), plot points are ignored, and overall, it's just a mess....
    — Acaedus

  5. Percy Jackson, I loved that series and the movie pissed me off so much
    — Trulymote

  6. The circle had an *amazing* cast list but was awfully executed and the ending was dreadful.
    — idleteen___

  7. *Downsizing* It was nothing like the previews made it seem, it went nowhere, and it just kind of ended without ever getting to a climax or conclusion of any sort. Second place goes to *Halo: the Fall of Reach*. It's my favorite book, so I was excited to see the animated movie on Netflix. It looks like some shit that a high school kid made in his spare time. The animation was clunky, the voices were terrible, a fart would have been a better score, and the story was butchered. It hurt me.
    — TheRealHooks

  8. The Golden Compass. If they were squeamish about the ending of the books and the content why did they even bother trying to make it?
    — MissaFrog

  9. I forget what its called but it had Mark Wahlberg and I think in the end the trees were trying to kill people?
    — yourbiggest_fan

  10. Cliche, I know, but Suicide Squad.
    — hello_friend_

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