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What's an album where every song is a 10/10 except for one terrible song?

  1. One of the use your illusion albums by Guns N' Roses, I treat the twin albums as a double album, and for a double album it's basically perfect except for this one track called "my world", it's this weird mix of hip hop, electronica, axl rose making sex noises, and just generally raises more questions than answers.
    — Choosecharmander

  2. This band Metric has this album that is either self-titled or is called "Old World Underground," or something like that. The album is absolutely amazing pop-punk-80s music with amazing bass-lines, crisp drums and devil-may-care lyrics. Then it has this one song about your ghost asking my ghost where the love is. It's one of my favorite albums of all time.
    — saddad9441

  3. Deep Purple, the Made in Japan album. All songs are great, probably the best live versions of their songs and probably one of the Top10 live recorded albums. But man, Track 4, The Mule. What an awfull version.
    — incestvonhabsburg

  4. Not my choice, but a lot of people don't like Moonchild on King Crimson's "In The Court Of The Crimson King", especially the LONG minimalist improvisation that takes up the last 9 minutes or so of a 12 minute song. Personally though I love it; a very creepy/unsettling ballad, followed by some very relaxing music.
    — EarthMas16

  5. Aquemini. Mamacita is just not on par with everything else on the album
    — NaijaRich99

  6. Outkast - Aquemini is a perfect album ... except for Mamacita
    — nikradamus

  7. I think every song on XXX By Danny Brown is a classic except one. I cant freaking stand Radio Song.
    — ryryk710

  8. Synchronicity by the Police is an amazing album "Mother" is an earsore
    — tbk6212

  9. You could argue ''Ok Computer'' By Radiohead. Everything is perfect except for Fitter Happier, but personally I love it, it's so eerie, and sums up the whole theme of the album perfectly. It just seems to be what most people think, that it's the one track that lets the album down.
    — CJB_94

  10. Michael Jackson - Thriller. The Girl Is Mine is always such a disappointment on that album.
    — Goofpokes

  11. Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness- all good except for "We Only Come Out Night". (Oh god, it's stuck in my head now.)
    — Prof_Lava-Hot

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