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Bitter assholes of Reddit, why are you the way you are?

  1. Retail. Years of retail.
    — SatansBigSister

  2. I realized that most people don't care about the truth or fairness unless those things happen to work in their favor.
    — leonard_paulson

  3. Because I've collapsed as a person. I look at who I used to be, what I could have been, what I'd like to be, and it's like gazing across an impassable chasm. There's nothing good or worthwhile left in me, and it jades my perception of everything else.
    — erasmause

  4. I ask myself this almost daily. I'm starting to think I may have some kind of psychological condition. Some days I'm super optimistic and others I'm just down and pissy at everyone and everything. I have explanation as to why my mood switches but it never happens during the course of a day. I just kinda wake up that way
    — Throwawaytechnine

  5. im tired of being alive
    — anon2777

  6. Because I realize that even when I dont act like an insufferable asshole, the world won’t accept me anyway. It’s much easier to be hated when you can convince yourself that it’s all on purpose.
    — BigPoppaMemer

  7. I hate most people in general. I’ve never really liked interacting with people, for the most part; but, I was always able to go home, pour myself a whiskey, and relax in complete peace, quiet, and darkness. It really recharged me and allowed me to handle the never-ending cascade of people at work and public spaces. Now, I’m married and I have two kids (5 and 3 years old, respectively). I love my wife and kids very much. I do enjoy spending time with them. But, I am now missing that quiet alone time that I needed so much. I leave the weekend feeling more mentally worn out than I do after the work-week. I never get to truly relax. My wife often tells me that I have developed a permanent “fuck-off face”. I am able to mask my seething hatred toward important clients, supervisors, and (most importantly) subordinates at work; but, I can’t seem to hide the look from my wife. I’m just angry all the time now. I pray that I’m never in a fender-bender or something of the effect on the way home from work because if I had to get out of my vehicle and interact with people in that situation, I’m pretty sure I would literally kill someone... Edit: and here it is.... the most honest and heart-felt thing I’ve ever said on the internet.
    — Glenbard

  8. Just like most people, I was young and naive, full of life and hope. Then life happened to me and it wasn't pretty.
    — paumAlho

  9. I've come to the realization that I don't give anyone any reason to love me because I don't love myself. I mean, if I can't find value in myself, by myself, how can I expect other people to? I live in constant fear of rejection and failure to the point where, 9 times out of 10, I'll give up before I even try. Anything that deviates from what I'm comfortable with instantly makes me panic. That irrational fear makes me angry at myself, and therefore makes me hate myself more.
    — andrewjayd

  10. Because I have honestly, in good faith, tried to be the best person I can to the people in my life. And, one after another, they took me for granted, and threw me away the moment it was convenient for them to do so. So, I learned that lesson, and I’m not gonna be nice anymore, cause y’all don’t fuckin deserve it.
    — Ravenous_Sodomite

  11. Ask /u/Bitter-asshole .
    — tobeornotobe

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