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What’s the pettiest reason you’ve ever used not to date someone anymore?

  1. He opened his mouth way too early on the way in for a kiss. Weird face.
    — throwawayohyesitis

  2. He looked weird in a cowboy hat and man did he like to wear that hat
    — rachel226

  3. I used to find it hilarious and petty that the protagonist in So I Married an Axe Murderer didn't want to date someone who smelled like soup. Then I met a girl who smelled exactly like beef vegetable soup.
    — thoawaydatrash

  4. She ended every single text with "..."
    — dbagsunite

  5. sHe tEXtEd lYKE dIZ. I thought she was just too lazy to autocorrect. Turns out she did it all intentionally. Way too obnoxious.
    — Fun_Sized_Momo

  6. I dated a girl who used the term “repetical” instead of “repetitive.” I just couldn’t do it.
    — PhartParty

  7. He started hanging out with some of my friends without me only a week into the relationship. I don't know why it bothered me so much.
    — doctorbrue

  8. I hated his drunk hands- they’d go super T-Rex and it freaked me out
    — SunnyDisposition27

  9. Dude had these blue jean shorts and the back pockets were bedazzled. Not just a little, like the whole pocket. My attraction to them disappeared immediately.
    — SteelyKnives1Beast0

  10. Good kisser, feet stank.
    — 3boysdad

  11. Music elitism. This dude I dated was heavy into metal and would chastise anyone for liking anything other than metal. He'd then proceed to whine about people judging him for his taste in music. EDIT: rip in peace my inbox EDIT 1: I wasn't aware of the pun until I hit reply lmao.
    — eggpretzel

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