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What would be some "Ask Reddit" questions from the year 1985?

  1. Is it worth the $1,000 to upgrade my hard drive from 8 to 16 MB?
    — lerxst1

  2. Russians of Reddit, what are you doing on reddit?
    — MusicBeginner

  3. Which member of the Breakfast Club are you?
    — MrsRobertshaw

  4. Do you think popular music relies too heavily on synthesised sounds?
    — Breeze_in_the_Trees

  5. "Reddit, what's your unpopular opinion?" "Girls of Reddit, what do you find sexy?" "What's a secret your industry doesn't want us to know?"
    — lessmiserables

  6. Super Mario Bros: is it worth the hype? On /r/gaming.
    — Ripper33AU

  7. If you found yourself stuck thirty years in the past and had to convince your dad to ask out your mom or else you would disappear, how would you do it?
    — inksmudgedhands

  8. Which of your neighbors do you think is a Russian spy?
    — pm_me_your_vudu_code

  9. What is the best way to organize my Trapper Keeper?
    — Pork_Chap

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