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What experience have you had that you feel can only be explained by the paranormal?

  1. Stuff like this fascinates me but creeps me the fuck out. In my house growing up, my parents would always leave a lamp on in the living room at morning, we wake up and the light bulb has been torn from the socket. Torn. Not twisted, and removed, but the metal was ripped and shredded. Found the bulb in the middle of the floor. Part of it was still in the socket. The presence in that house was very tangible, but whatever it was you could feel that it thrived in the dark. But damn, it could've just hit the switch to turn the light off.
    — shyanomalies

  2. Years ago my MIL died in my living room. She had a massive pulmonary embolus so it was sudden and traumatic. My SO is a physician and was with her & our children when it occurred. I was at class. My SO did CPR on her all the way to the hospital. A week after her funeral I'm alone in the house at around 345 pm about the time the kids came home. Suddenly I hear blasting out the sound of a million birds. Inside my house. I figured the kids had come in without me hearing them and had turned the TV on too high. I yelled "Turn it down now!" The sound immediately stops. I continue folding laundry. Then I hear the sound of keys in the lock at the front door. I walk to the entry in time to see all 4 of our kids come in. They all swore they'd just got off the school bus (which I could see pulling up the street). A month or so later my SO's aunt visited and tearfully told of hearing a bunch of birds singing after her sister (my MIL) died.
    — pitpusher

  3. My dad had this habit of knocking his fingers on the wall in our hallway as he walked by and he had a crackly toe, together it made a very distinctive sound (bada bada bap followed by a pop). We always knew when we were in trouble by the tempo of that sound. My older brother had a kid a few years after Dad died and one night, while I'm babysitting and the kid's upstairs in her crib (she's about 18 months). Over the monitor, I can tell she's not napping anymore but she seems to be occupying herself. Then I hear bada bada bap pop and she giggles. It took me a minute to recognize that sound but when I did, I went upstairs. The door to her room had been closed when I put her down but now it's open and she's standing in her crib, looking at the far corner. There was nothing there.
    — kidomaner1

  4. The toaster and the kettle turned on while I was standing across the room, home alone. I shouted “WHY” and ran out the room. Something else lived in that kitchen, I swear.
    — ohheysarahjay

  5. My house is haunted to preface and I've lived in it my entire life (I'm actually typing this out in the house.) My mom was going through documents and sorting them one Saturday. She uncovered the original deed from the 1920's and some other documents of family members who've been in/died in the house. That night the door connecting the living room to our porch which is pretty tightly locked -- unlocks and swings open setting our alarm system off. My brother and I have heard our mother call our names hundreds of times when we were younger. I've heard my name being called by voices I don't recognize. I've seen my dead aunt in the doorway, dark figures peering around the corner at me, and footsteps everywhere in the house. They haven't caused any harm to any of us so there's that.
    — GeneralMoses

  6. When I was about seven I woke from a nap to see a man in a tweed jacket, flat cap and milk bottle glasses smiling at me. I smiled back and he disappeared. I went and told my mum, describing the man and she said it was my grandad who died when I was a baby.
    — Inkyfists

  7. I was working *alone* in a warehouse. I know I was alone because I had the keys, I was the guy that locked all the doors behind my guys as they left. I was starting to layout the office that the warehouse needed, and was getting ready to use a shot shell hammer to drive the nails through the 2x4's into the cement floor. I was just getting ready to pull the plunger, and something stuck a finger in my damn ear. Full on wet willy style. I freaked the f#$% out.
    — KyBluEyz

  8. My grandpa (mom's dad) passed away in 2003 when I was 9. Him and I were very close so my mom and I would visit him at the cemetery a lot. About a year after he passed, whenever we would go I would wander off and hang out by a specific plot of a 17 year old boy that had just passed. My mom didn't think much of it and never brought it up to me until 3 years ago. We had gone to the cemetery and I saw the boy's grave and was overcome with sadness and felt the need to google him. I found out he died in a car accident and was a star soccer player at his high school and an all around nice guy. For months, he would randomly pop into my head and I would feel extremely sad and like there was a huge weight on my chest. A few months after this, I went to a psychic with my mom and she asked me who the 17 year old who died in the car accident was. She proceeded to explain to me that he's always been attached to me and he needs me to find a way to tell his mom he's ok. Now, there is no way she could have known this so I was a little freaked out. I went home and found his mom's facebook and sent her a message. She answered back a little while later explaining that she never uses Facebook but something made her check it and that she was also very grateful for the message. She also informed me that the next day was the 10 year anniversary of her son's passing. After I sent that message, whenever I thought of him I no longer felt that intense sadness or heaviness, and I always make sure to pay him a visit when I go to the cemetery to visit my grandpa. Then last year, I went to the cemetery and my mom asked me if I had ever spoken to that kid's mom again. I said no because I would feel weird just messaging her out of nowhere. My mom said, "maybe he'll send you a sign so you reach out to her." We got in the car and my radio and all of the buttons started going crazy. My mom was convinced it was a sign but I said it was probably a malfunction and I would need something clearer than that. Later that day I was on my way to my boyfriend's house and I passed the road that the kid at the cemetery passed away on. I said "Craig, if you want me to message your mom again, send me a sign. Put your name on something!" My boyfriend and I went to The Cheesecake factory that night and the first cheesecake I saw was called, "Craig's crazy cake" or something like that. I was shocked even though it was something so small. I've had a couple of experiences like that but that was one of the strangest and intense I've ever had.
    — peacelovenirvana

  9. I had a really strange experience two weeks ago. I work in a pub with a basement bar that has an interesting history and is very creepy downstairs! I was changing in the downstairs toilet (2 cubicles, completely silent, I'm the only person downstairs) I locked the cubicle after me and was sending a text before I changed when all of a sudden something slammed against the locked cubicle door hard enough to open it (without breaking the lock) , and slammed me in the back. I swung around straight away to give out to whichever of the lads thought this was a funny thing to do cause it hurt! And there was nobody there. Or in the next cubicle. Or downstairs at all. I've tried reasoning it out but I'm drawing a blank! I checked for any draught too...I get changed upstairs now, ha!
    — thejacster89

  10. I've shared this story from this account before- I had an experience with my husband just after we got married- not sure you'd call it paranormal but certainly unexplainable. We were going to go to the movies about 5-6 years ago and were in our car on the way there- we left about half an hour before the movie started to get good seats and it was only a 5 minute drive- straight up the street, turn right at a major intersection onto the main road and then a few minutes driving straight. We turned right at the intersection, just having random conversation, then I remember what I thought was a car really close behind us because I remember the lights... then it was like we both 'woke up' or became aware at the same time, we were turned down a side street, driving REALLY slowly and almost riding the curb. We both looked at each other, went wtf, didn't really say anything... just got back on the main road and got to the cinema just in time as the ads/previews were over and the movie was starting so we lost about 30-40mins. He gets really funny if I ever bring it up, doesn't want to talk about it or acknowledge it happened really. After it happened we both matched up what we remember and it's the same, neither of us know what happened during the missing time.
    — chewchewbacca

  11. This was from 2 years ago... I went to a coal mining museum with the kids and we were exploring the outdoor part. Came to a small building that had an exhibit inside. Looking through the window I saw a man in there and decided we would wait for him to come out rather than subjecting him to the horror of 2 excited toddlers in a confined space with buttons to press... so we waited and waited...but no-one exited and it was empty when we eventually decided to go in. There was only one way in and out of this building and we were in front of it the whole time. I know I saw him in there.
    — NurseDiz

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