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If you were going to be in a talent show, what would your talent be?

  1. Disappointing audience members
    — we_are_fuckin_doomed

  2. My super human ability to make any situation awkward.
    — krenuds

  3. My talent is useless, but still: I would showcase [bubblegum blowing](
    — monowedge

  4. I’d review their restroom
    — icecreampopncereal

  5. Procrastination.. I’ll do the show later
    — OmfgTim

  6. More gold in here than the Olympics
    — bullseye199o

  7. I can play basic things on the trumpet, but I can also curcularly breathe which means I can play like 50min of notes and never stop to take a breath.
    — Haloninja744

  8. Armpit farting probably my best bet.
    — _Goose_

  9. Handing out gold like a mad man
    — rusttty

  10. Sitting at the corner of a table and taking part in the group conversation without actually saying anything, just nodding my head.
    — RainbowRaptorPie

  11. Singing. I've lost count of how many people, both random people I've met and professional musicians, who have told me I got an exceptional singing voice.
    — Tjodleik

  12. I would play Fur Elise on the piano. 8 years of piano lessons as a child and that is the only piece I can still play by heart (well, except maybe Chopsticks).
    — the_fox_says___