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What do you miss the most about your younger self?

  1. Being handsome was a handy tool for getting people to listen to me. Now I'm middle aged and invisible.
    — picksandchooses

  2. Being carefree. Having all kinds of fun things planned or just going out and looking for something fun to do. Not even thinking about tomorrow unless there was something exciting planned for it. Living in the moment. Now it's more about working 5 days a week to buy food, gas, other necessities and pay bills. Then on the other two doing laundry, cleaning and other necessary tasks. We really don't realise what freedom we had until it's too late.
    — Insignificant_Turtle

  3. Feeling much more rested on much less sleep.
    — TuckRaker

  4. The ability to do absolutely nothing for an entire day and then going to bed without feeling guilty about having done absolutely nothing for an entire day.
    — Carolyn1235

  5. Good knees and back.
    — jurassicbond

  6. Constant optimism.
    — blacchic

  7. The feeling of joy I used to get on days like Christmas. I haven't felt that exited or happy in years.
    — sfoxx

  8. What I miss most is having a social circle. At this point of my life I work 65-70hrs a week and then come the weekend I go home, maybe turn a video game on for a few hours and start it all back over again on Monday. I see my closest friends maybe 2-3 times a year at this point. I have a good family at home though so that makes up for it.
    — Annihilating_Tomato

  9. Having purpose. There were always such clear cut goals when I was young. Get good grades. Get into college. Pass X, Y, and Z classes. Just very concrete goals. Now it's like... Do I want to advance my career? Change careers completely? Do I want a family? I can't afford a family. Should I save for a house? Prices have been rising and maybe renting is more economical. Do I want to learn a hobby? Which hobby? It's overwhelming sometimes. There are days where I just sit in silence and stare at a wall, as comical as it sounds. I just don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going anymore. I have no clear goals or ambitions. I feel like I'm just waiting for something but I don't even know what that thing is.
    — S-A-M-E

  10. New relationship sex. That young, back seat of the car, hot and fast sex. Multiple times a day sex. Hurry up before mom gets home sex.
    — BookPherq

  11. He was funnier. Around his friends, he was the wacky one who knew how to have fun. Today I'm very reserved, even around friends, it's sad really.
    — joshi38

  12. The ability to let loose and not feel guilty about it later
    — ConstantChaos1

  13. Not having everything hurt. Back pain, knee pain, ankle pain, the works. I only had pain if I really hurt myself when I was younger. Now it’s an everyday thing.
    — Purple4199

  14. All the possibilities. When you're a kid, you have the potential to do and be so much, no matter how far fetched it may seem, there's a possibility. As you get older, the possibilities narrow until you're stuck in a life you didn't really choose for yourself and your obligations prevent you from changing.
    — Azozel

  15. No student loans. :(
    — Stefinnthebox