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What is the saddest thing about you, and why?

  1. My brother was murdered in 2002. My grandfather died in 2003. My aunt died in 2009. And my dad(step dad) died in 2016. My family is a wreck. My life is a wreck. And I've had to take care of my mom for 15 years because of my brothers death, she just shut down and I had to basically raise myself since 8 years old. My whole family is suicidal so every morning I have to wake up wondering if someone's killed themselves yet. I have no job, no money, no car to get to said job. Dropped out of school. And I feel completely hopeless, depressed, and beaten. But other than that, life's fine.
    — _Cattack_

  2. My dad's expression the first time I really snapped at him. Every time I think about it, I think about how every parent must go through it at some point with their kids: they raise us and love us unconditionally and past a certain age, we think we don't need them anymore and act like shitheads. We break their hearts and they still love us anyway
    — Jamesnoah

  3. I have no desire to live despite having a decent job and a fiance and a family that loves me. I feel like life is wasted on me because I can't appreciate anything.
    — TheDirtyMailman

  4. I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs and every night I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep. 
    — pathologicalliarr

  5. I'm autistic but love making new friends. I often want to get to know people, but the difficulty of keeping pace with all the nonverbal communication is exhausting to the point of being debilitating.
    — asilentsound

  6. I have celiac disease as well as an eating disorder so food is just really hard man

  7. Life is supposedly great. I just entered university, I have good roommates, I joined a few clubs, and I'm getting better grades on my exams than I have gotten in high school so far. But I am painfully lonely with social anxiety. I had the same group of friends my entire life and I'm now hours away from them and my family. I try my best to make friends but I'm a one on one kind of person and extremely introverted. Whenever I'm in a group, I feel as if everyone is my baby sitter because I never talk since I feel as if they don't want me around. I understand that I'm throwing myself a pity party but I feel everything about my personality is sad.
    — FadingSupply

  8. I had a miscarriage 4 months ago and the pain is never ending. I can't talk to anyone because everyone is expecting me to just be ok and get over it but although it was only briefly, I was a mother. Now I not only have all the bills from the surgery,all the doctors appointments, and ultrasounds but I don't know how to pick my life up from here. I have no one to talk to and now I'm telling strangers on Reddit. When I found out that his heart stopped beating-so did mine.
    — GuyConspiracy

  9. I have all the potential to do something great but I'm beating fallout 4 for the second time rn.
    — TheFishRevolution

  10. I have a non cancerous brain tumour that makes me randomly forget who I am and who the people I love are.
    — Ratsarefats

  11. I've tried to commit suicide in 2013 by jumping off a building; landed on my back than my head idk HOW THE F*** I'm still alive. I think of suicide every single day and wish I would have done it differently but I'm traumatized by the experience and too sacred to try again. Not gonna get into "why" but its not a pretty picture as you can imagine...
    — suicidalcoward

  12. A lot of untapped potential. A past full of horrible mistakes that I would have done anything to change. If only I took life more seriously back then I wouldn't be in the position I am now
    — exnihilo20

  13. Mom died Christmas morning and I wasn't there to say goodbye
    — PostyMcPostertun