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What is something you don't care about at all?
- I don't think I'm the only one - The lives of pretty much everybody I went to HS with.
— JewisHalloween
- How much money a film makes.
People are always so ready to throw that in my face when I say that a film could have been better in some regard.
— jdon1807
- Horoscopes. Please stop telling me about these vague sayings that apply to literally everyone.
— shadowalien13
- Becoming rich.
I've realised I'll never be rich. But I have a decent paying job and a nice car (to me at least).
I hate my job and sometimes I think is it even worth it. But who doesn't?
So I'm happy where I am.
The happy miserable medium.
— MeMuzzta
- My exes.
— spaceklods
- The lives of celebrities
— ___Magnitude__
- The media. When did it become a presence in itself?! Seriously, was I sleeping? I just wanted the news. Not a narrative.
— knot_tellin
- Eye Contact
Stay glued to your smart phones everyone. I don't give a damn.
— laterdude
- Kylie Jenner's pregnancy
— iamprobablylurking
- NFL National Anthem controversy. Literally everything about it is fully within everyone's rights as Americans...
Trump's deplorable comments: Fully within his right to free speech.
Athletes who protested: Fully within their right to do so.
NFL Owners doing nothing about it: Fully within their right as a private organization.
Fans burning jerseys and tickets: Fully within their rights as owners of the property they're burning.
I've never felt such harmonic zen over a massive issue which people are getting so worked up over. I'm perfectly happy that both sides have the rights and freedoms to be as angry and outraged as they are.
— liquorlanche