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What deserves less respect than people give it?

  1. Bestseller lists. You can pretty much literally buy your way onto them, and it's no guarantee of quality -- but damn if it doesn't increase your sales if you strike it lucky one time and can put *New York Times Bestselling Author* in front of your name on every book you write thereafter.
    — Portarossa

  2. I work as a receptionist and 9/10 if someone is being a rude jackass to me it's because they are an old person. I have met so many horrible and impatient older people that it makes me respect them less. Being old isn't an excuse to not have a shred of politeness.
    — CinnamonBunBun

  3. Dead people * When person is alive > God I hate that asshole!! * After they die > He was a great man. He'll be sadly missed. RIP. :(
    — HacksawJimDGN