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What did you find out a​​b​​ou​​t your w​​ife/h​​usban​​d only a​​f​​te​​r you got married?

  1. She talks in her sleep. I have some of the better ones written down. * One time she got up and frantically started looking through her jewelry box at 3:00 Am. I asked her what was going on. She was almost crying, saying she couldn't find the blue! It took a couple of minutes to talk her back to bed. * Once she sat bolt upright and said in her best "I'm about to be murdered in a horror movie" voice "It's on the ceiling! It's coming closer". Then lay back down and peacefully slept until morning. At least one of us could. * One time she shook me awake, pointed to the ceiling and demanded "What's that doing up there?". When my answer was "It's a light. It's supposed to be there." she got mad and told me nobody likes a smartass.
    — Reddit_Bork

  2. My wife had three previous boyfriends all with the same first name as mine. She swears it's a coincidence.
    — AudibleNod

  3. That she learned to play guitar so she could sing me a song by my favorite band (who she HATED) at the reception.
    — 5meterhammer

  4. That he throws his pillows on the floor in his sleep, then takes mine and eventually throws them on the floor too.
    — iba_spooh

  5. That I can't live without her.
    — CDC_

  6. about one out of 20 times my wife will sneeze like the gates of hell have opened. first time i heard this we had been together over 2 years and it scarred me so badly i completely fell out of my chair.
    — snakejawz

  7. He freaks out when I don't roll up his boxers into little cloth "taquitos" when I'm putting them in the underwear drawer. So I do, but I still think it's dumb. It doesn't save space, and who cares if your boxers are wrinkled? He says it's all about "presentation." (To whom??)
    — NeedsMoreTuba

  8. That she looked much hotter at 35 than at 21.
    — LaoBa

  9. When we were dating, she told me she was in the military but separated early. I asked her how long she was in for and she didn't know, "a couple of years" she said. After we got married I saw a copy of her DD-214. She was in the military for 6 months and was medically discharged for mental health reasons, barred from re-entry.
    — MisterMarbles1988

  10. She's a first chair concert hall level violinist. Found it odd she took a job as a music teacher. First time I heard her practicing before her new job and I was blown away. 3 years into marriage and 7 years knowing her, I had no idea she was so talented.
    — lunkdjedi