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What would you admit to being gross, yet still totally love?

  1. When I collect eggs from my chickens and it's still warm from being in their butts.
    — Butwhysevensharps

  2. Picking my nose. It just feels too good.
    — supergodmasterforce

  3. Popping a pimple that's really ready to be popped. I've had some real humdingers that I can *hear* pop; and if I'm leaning close to the bathroom mirror, they'll shoot onto its surface and leave a little splat.
    — So_Motarded

  4. On my right nipple twice a month i get a huge zit that i get to pop and unravel a half inch very thick black hair and pull it out. That makes me feel good because i feel like a surgeon when i do it.
    — xX-ConnorT-Xx

  5. Getting out an ingrown hair
    — KingOfTheSchwill

  6. Jack in the Box tacos. Not really tacos, not really healthy, not really “good” but damned if I couldn’t eat 12 in one sitting.
    — echoalpha638

  7. Dicks. The majority of them are pretty ugly as far as things go, but they have a special place in my heart.
    — Cock_Klepto

  8. Does smelling your hands after a good ball scratch count as gross? I keep it pretty clean down there at all times, yet a wiff of that musky ball sack smell is sometimes irresistable.
    — rigolith

  9. Any videos of blackheads/infections being removed from the body.
    — hafuhafu

  10. Hard candy/Suckers/Lolly Pops. A while back I saw someone on Reddit say that eating a sucker is basically drinking flavored saliva, and I really can't dispute that, but dog gone it if I don't enjoy me some hard candy.
    — SpartanFaithful

  11. I put mayonnaise in my chili. Look, I get it. It’s weird as shit. But it makes it so creamy and delicious, so fuck you.
    — FisterMySister

  12. Sex. It's pretty gross. It's great.
    — gobberpooper

  13. Smoking. Haven't had a cigarette in 2 weeks.
    — veilofmaya1234