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What's a cliché answer to a common Askreddit question?
- "People who treat service staff and retail workers like crap."
— Munninnu
- Not someone with a cliche answer, but one time my friend's cousin's sister in law heard about a really cliche answer to a common AskReddit question. I forget exactly how it went.
— shesthebest_around
- >What would make you not want to date someone?
“If they treat service workers like trash.”
Jesus christ Reddit, I see this answer on the daily!
— ijuspeelthestikersof
- Came here to say this
— strikerax96
- OP's mom
— Aneides
- are your arms broken?
— StoppedListeningToMe
- One time, back when I was a kid, I saw a spooky ghost.
It was just... *so spooky*, you guys. My sibling/friend/grandmother saw it, too, so I'm totally not manufacturing a memory. Also, there was some vague legend that I've attributed to my experience, and I refuse to consider the possibility that I may have conflated that story with my recollections of what was almost certainly a mundane event.
By the way, I'm definitely a skeptic, despite the fact that I'm about to reject any and all rational explanations for what I experienced. Ghosts are real, and the one I saw was so, so, *so* spooky.
— RamsesThePigeon
- Something something turn signals.
— Anton97
- "Relevant XKCD"
— Brolurk9
- People who buy into MLMs
Flat Earthers and Anti Vaxxers
— BivalveFossil
- delete facebook, hit the gym, lawyer up
— SmellsLikeCheerios
- If I wasn't so broke, I'd guild you for this...
- This
— __Almost
- Gary, Indiana
— Pepperoni_playboi94