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Former cheaters of Reddit how were you caught by your significant other?

  1. I forgot to go back and mark the episodes as unwatched.
    — goomba870

  2. I once had to go out of town for work on Valentine's Day. I was legitimately working, but the girl I was seeing at the time was told by a friend "If he's working on V Day, you're the side chick." so she confronted me when I got home, then dumped me. So I was dumped for "cheating" even though I wasn't cheating.
    — SluttySwanCyborg

  3. As someone's whose girlfriend is spending a month in Europe I should not have opened this thread
    — thatguyfromchicago

  4. Smiling at my cell phone too much
    — ChesterFlexer

  5. My fiancé left me two days before Christmas. She told me she need to move out and get space. That she was moving to her friends house. This went on for a week, until, because we have a family Apple plan. I looked up her location. And she was not at her friends house... I'm now a single dad of a one year old and she's moving out west with him.. Merry Christmas. Edit: Wow thank you so much everyone for all the kind hope and advice. It's hard right now but I know it will get better, it has too. My life is dedicated to my little guy. Thank you for the love. It really hits the spot on this crappy fucking month. :')
    — snakeob

  6. It happened to a friend of mine. We were all on vaction (about 7 friends) and everybody was drinking. We were the only two who didnt. He managed to snag his girlfriend's phone while she was passed out and pulled me to the side. He said "she's cheating on me, some guy named joey texting her and meeting her after work for sex everyday. Plus how he can make her extra wet." We ended up searching names and mural friends via facebook. Turned out joey was a girl.
    — sirferrell

  7. My dad was recently caught cheating on my mom after 27 years. While using his laptop my mom noticed Facebook said “Hello Mike Long, can we log you back in?” My sweet mom still had no idea he was cheating, until my teenage sister broke it to her that he’s using a fake account. That only opened a whole other world of nasty surprises. Love you dad, but I also hate you.
    — hometownhippie

  8. While at uni I walked on an argument between my gf and her housemate as the housemate shouted "at least I'm not a whore who sleeps with everyone when she goes home" Turned out she was sleeping around.
    — Hamsternoir