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(SERIOUS) People who have been in a hostage situation, what was it like and how was it resolved?

  1. I was living away from home at 18/19 to go to school. A big group of us were out drinking and we were outside smoking, talking to the doorman. After a few minuts the doorman started sending us inside and talking about some kids with softguns. Ha was calm and nobody panicked or got stressed. When we were all inside he said we should step away from the windows, and he locked the door. That’s when we figured something was up, but he kept calm and everyone just kept on drinking. After about an hour we were getting antsy and he told us that there were atleast two people outside shooting at the bar. We were kept in there for about five hours while the police were looking for the guys. It was a pretty small town so if we left it would be pretty easy to find us, since anyone outside in the streets were from the bar. The bar owner gave us free drinks and let us smoke inside to keep the mood up, and at about seven in the morning the police came fully suited up with sheilds, hevy weapons and dogs to take us to a bus that would drive us home to the dorms. Nome of us got stressed or worried thanks to the doorman :) fun night all in all. Edit: link to norwegian newpaper about the event [Dagbladet](
    — marybugg

  2. I was 19 and living in my first apartment. Next door was a trucking yard and on the far corner of the block a super shady bar. So there I am in the backyard, trying to plant flowers, with my 6 month old Rottweiler puppy doing her thing when this dude just FLEW over the fence from the trucking yard and ran right into my apartment. I, being and idiot, and the dog, being an idiot too, both ran in after him. He was right behind the door and grabbed the shovel from me. Slammed the door shut. He was in hysterics. SHUT UP! JUST BE QUIET! OMG PLEASE JUST DON'T MAKE ANY NOISE! SHUT THE BLINDS! Dude. Chill. Am I screaming? No. You are. I shut the blinds. He locked the door, hunkered behind it. Dog is licking up blood. Because dude is stabbed. Cut on the chest here and there (flesh wounds) and some nice ones going right through his palms and a couple pretty good ones on his forearms. He's also high as balls. So yeah. Thank goodness my folks did a lot of drugs/had a lot of druggie friends so it wasn't like I was "This means I shall absolutely be robbed and raped let me panic now!" and that I'd been in the army for a couple of years by that point so my stress reactions were a little more meh than the average persons. I said I was getting my first aid kit. He said not to move and to shut up. Dude you are bleeding on my shit. Oh okay. I tried some preliminary suggestions that I should maybe just go now and he's like that's not happening. You're not going anywhere. Then follows 4 hours where we sit and chat and I make him tea and he plays with my dog in my darkened, closed up apartment. When I judge I've built up rapport and that he's come down enough to follow the logic I explain to him that at some point he does have to leave. I mean, it's not like he can just move in. My boyfriend might notice. Possibly object. So I've been thinking... The plan was that I give him 20$ and call a cab. Then when the cab stopped at the corner I would go outside with a sheet or blanket and shake it out like I was airing it holding it high and wide. This would block the view from one end of the road. If his attackers were on the blocked side they would see a young woman shaking out a blanket, a cab at a stop sign and then it pulling away/me going back in with nothing to indicate anyone had gotten into the cab. If they saw from the other side, bad luck but in his shoes I'd just instruct the cab to take me to the cop shop. Beats getting stabbed to death over a drug debt. We implemented the plan. He was gone. I had a good stress cry and then called 911. Fat old cop said he probably was just breaking into trucks in the yard and spooked himself. He didn't want to do the paperwork. Young cop was so excited to have an attempted murder/forcible confinement thing and was so disappointed that fat old cop was adamant he not write it up that way. Two weeks later my boyfriend was hanging out while I was out and the dude showed back up and paid back the 20$ and told him to thank me for not freaking out, bandaging him up, helping him escape etc.
    — kifferella

  3. Okay so this is a funny story but our high school cop was a bro and would sometimes bail a few lucky kids out of class and take us up to the station for assisting the police in training exercises, like in this case, a hostage situation. He picked us from the drama class so we could really ham it up. We get to the room, a phone is put in. He instructs us hostages to be wailing and as distracting as possible. Our hostage-taker was instructed to follow a little scripted manual of what the person might sound like. Cameras were on us for monitoring. The cop they were training was new, like this-was-his-first-simulation new. He was doing pretty well... until our hostage-taker started listing demands. He asked for a pizza, a thousand dollars and a copy of a King James bible. The baby cop said "Actually... That sounds pretty fair. Sure, we can get you that." Then his senior officer started yelling over the phone "NO YOU IDIOT, WE DONT JUST GIVE HIM EVERYTHING HE WANTS WITH NOTHING IN RETURN!" Then baby cop says "But... we have money, and the pizza place is right over there!" probably nor realizing he's still on speakerphone. We all are laughing as the senior cop starts chewing him out again. Our school cop comes in with an exasperated look, and has us start all over again.
    — NotoriousTNT

  4. My biological mother kidnapped me and held me for a few hours. She gave me back in exchange for all the baby pictures there were of me. My aunt, whom I was living with at the time, still has the albums with missing photos and torn pages. There are very few photos of me as a child due to this incident.
    — jaimacho

  5. Not really hostage, but I was held at gunpoint once... it all began by bringing my brother to an impound to get his car out. I pulled into their parking lot and waited for him to finish the paperwork or whatever. About 10 minutes go by and I hear shouting and a car zoom out the front gate... it was my brother and this was definitely not part of a plan. He was supposed to go in and pay for it to get out. So, I’m in my car on my phone browsing the internet when this happens. I get extremely anxious and quiet... I begin to hear 2 people yelling around and getting closer, they then point a gun at me and tell me to get out of the car. They were the owners of the pound lot and think I had something to do with what just happened. Well, yes and no, but I didn’t say that to them. I acted like I just got there right before that happened and I was getting my girlfriends car out but I think I might of arrived at the wrong impound... still being held at gunpoint they pulled me into their building to wait for the cops. Once they got there I asked to speak with them privately and told them something must of spooked my brother as we had the money to get his car out and I was obviously parked not trying to get away or anything and then I told them that these guys wouldn’t fucking put their gun down from pointing at my face so I lied to them so I wouldn’t get shot. My brother said they had a gun pulled out on him or something when he was checking out his car and started yelling at him to step away. He said he got nervous and just started the car instead and slammed on the gas... I find that to probably be only partially true and besides, he left my ass to deal with a shitty situation.
    — Nevets_the_First

  6. Not sure if this is a hostage situation but it's similar. When I was 7 my biological dad kept us from my mom ( they were divorced and he got to see my brother and I on the weekends ) and was going to try to kidnap us and take us to Texas to live with his parents. Long story short, the entire street plus the local sheriff's department got involved and we got out of the house an hour or so later. He didn't go to jail for some reason though, and now he's off somewhere unknown.
    — Weird_music_person

  7. I am not sure this counts as a hostage situation, but when my mom was 2 or 3, her parents were going through rough times. They lived in separate houses and my grandpa barely got to see my mom. So one day when my grandpa got to spend the day with my mom. He just took her to Mexico (where he is from), he told no one about the adventure and my grandma was freaking out and calling the police. A few weeks later my grandpa just showed up and dropped off my mom. As if nothing had happened, I am pretty sure that he originally intended to just live in Mexico with my mom for the rest of his life. But, he just gave up, afraid of possible consequences. To this day my mom sleeps with the dress she was taken in tucked under her mattress. Also, surprisingly my grandparents got back together and had three more kids. They only divorced about ten years ago.
    — Shappsha

  8. Made a throwaway so I could contribute! There was a hostage situation at my high school. It was a Lutheran high school, so every morning the students and teachers would congregate in the gym for announcements and prayers. It was mid-September, and everyone was seated on the bleachers and the pastor was starting to give announcements when a former student, "Danny", who had been expelled the year prior entered the gym with (what turned out to be) an air soft pistol with the orange nozzle removed. He was wearing a trench coat and had bleached his hair. Danny walked up to the pastor waving the gun around at the crowd and teachers, and saying he wanted "his story to be heard" and for everyone there to know what he had been put through. A little background on the guy: he was a total goofball weeaboo, and didn't fit the cold, loner school shooter stereotype. In our 11th year Danny developed a crush on another girl in my grade, "Candy". It wasn't reciprocated, but Candy's friends thought it was funny to tell him she was interested and drop notes in his locker "from Candy" so the kid continued pursuing her. They stopped after a while, but Danny didn't, and his attempts to get her attention crossed from 'schoolboy crush' into 'threatening stalker' territory. It got to the point where Candy was frightened, and her father approached the school board and told them to fix the problem. So he got expelled and told not to return for his senior year. So, with a summer to stew over the fact that he felt wronged and misunderstood, Danny decided the best way to be heard was to force everyone to listen. Over the next 15-20 minutes the pastor stuttered his way through a letter the student had written while the teachers ushered kids who were seated at the ends of the bleachers through emergency exits. (It is worth mentioning that Candy was out of school sick that day - something Danny had not anticipated, and he was quite agitated when he realized she wasn't there to listen.) The majority of the students had been let out, and at one point Danny turned to speak to one of the teachers behind him and was tackled by several teachers. At this point SWAT officers appeared and apprehended Danny, and shuffled the last of us students out of the gymnasium. They had actually been in the gym for a while: as students were leaving the emergency exits, officers were entering and positioning themselves around the room, and were ready to take Danny out via gunfire once the majority of the students had been removed from the situation. Not sure if it was because our attention was on Danny and the pastor or these guys were legit shadow ninjas, because up to that moment I hadn't seen a single one. Follow up to the event wasn't that exciting: they had counselors at the school for a couple weeks after to help students cope, and of course the ones milking the "trauma" the most were Candy's friends who felt "personally targeted" during the hostage situation. Later that day we found out it had been an air soft rifle, but Danny also had a six inch hunting knife on him. Over a year later Danny would plead guilty to uttering threats and possession of a weapon in a hostage-taking situation and get six months house arrest followed by 18 months probation. It's been 9 years since, and last I heard he was working a retail job and still heavy in the anime scene, but otherwise in a good place mentally, and had matured a fair bit since then.
    — whackamole-and-chips

  9. I was kidnapped by a cartel when I was young and still living in Mexico. I was coming back from a party a little too late, and on the intersection before my house I was closed off by two black suburbans. 6 men armed with AKs came out pointing at me and shouting me to get out. My legs have never felt like that, I wanted to move them but I just couldn’t do it. They opened the door, and threw me out of the car and covered my head. I heard someone driving my car, and then it was just an eternity from there. I heard them talk about who they killed the other day, who was the meanest one, how so and so was a pussy, and how much drug they were going to use that night. Sometimes they’d push me, or tap my head with their guns and remind me of who was in charge. How if they ever wanted to, they could kill me. We finally got to some place, and I remember the strong smell of iron, piss, cigarettes and weed when I walked in. The cries of women, children and men begging for mercy and for god to help them. I still have nightmares about that day. They forced me to watch them shoot a kid I befriended during my time there, the first time I saw someone lose their life. 3 days later and a lot of money paid in ransom later, I was released and reminded of how lucky I was they didn’t lay a finger on me. They dumped me off on the side of the road with my bag still on, and the keys to my car. I was to not take off my bag for at least 30 minutes, or I’d be shot in the head. I remember unlocking my door, getting in, and just sitting in my car. I went to sleep, and woke up about 4 hours later.
    — Pouito

  10. This wasnt me but my dad. As a kid he lived in Snowhill, North Carolina and had been working for this one farmer since he was 8 i dont remebee the farmers name so we will call him Mr. C. Well at 14 years old this farmer asked my dad to go fill up his truck at the local gas station (things were abit diffreny back then apparently it was pretty typical im small farming towns for kids to drive pick ups for farmimh purposes.) So my dad goes to this gas station and starts to fill up, the stores owner and his adult son come out and say something like "Hey kid thats Mr. Cs pick up you work for him?" My dad knew the owners adult son and was like "yea im just fillimg up for him." The owners son asked my dad to come in to pay but took him to the back room and locksd him in, dad said it was basicly a large storage room and tbe adult son explained "Mr C, owes my old man like 300 dollars im gas, we are gunna have to keep you here till he comes and pays up." My dad is panicing at this point but the adult son assures him if it gets late they will call his mom and let him go he was just a bargining chip. Couple hours go by and the adult son and my dad basicly talk about how my dad and grandma were doing and play go fish under the door till Mr. C came and pais his dues. Dad was let out and given some free ice cream for his time. Apparently the gas stations owner received some death threats from my grandma the next day. Overall my dad thinks it was hilarious and thinks of it as a fond memory.
    — Witherdrake

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