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The Federal Reserve is now issuing a Worst State Quarter series. What's on your State's quarter?

  1. A naked obese person riding a manatee while smoking meth and *wearing sandals with socks. florida edit: added 'wearing'
    — SouthernJeb

  2. Pennsylvania - potholes
    — AHoneyBC

  3. Overdosed people on heroin for ohio
    — Im_Jake_Parsons_330

  4. Oklahoma, Just a Plain Boring ass quarter, with particles of Crystal meth on it. Edit: Worth only a Nickle.
    — AHarmlessFly

  5. Colorado - An endless suburban development tract.
    — AudibleNod

  6. Wouldn't a "Worst State" Quarter series consist solely of Mississippi quarters?
    — Scratch_That_Itch

  7. Maryland with a picture of the American Legion Memorial Bridge, backed up with traffic.
    — SentinelZero

  8. Well I'm from Illinois so it'd probably just say IOU on the back.
    — DylonNotNylon

  9. the Nevada coin has a slot machine and everything is spelt wrong
    — pm_me_4nsfw_haikus

  10. Jeffrey Dahmer on one side, Ed Gein on the other.
    — BruceLee1255

  11. Chris Christie sitting on a beach that he closed to the public on the busiest holiday of the year. The high taxes and cost of living would be a close second for Jersey.
    — double_chicken

  12. Michigan - construction barrel We have two seasons. Winter and construction
    — DaisyJaneAM

  13. Illinois "nothing Like corruption" pictures. Gov. Ryan & Gov. Blago
    — godfather33087

  14. Minnesota - a passive aggressive phrase telling everyone to f-off
    — SuperBo101