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What are some not-so-obvious ways you can fuck your life up?

  1. Drifting apart from your friends over time - never making any effort at staying in touch - until you feel isolated.
    — Back2Bach

  2. Go on an extreme diet. Many if not most cases of bulimia start out that way. Mine did.
    — officedogsbody

  3. Cheating on your SO. A lot of people do it, I've done it, and I've regretted it. Lost the love of my life, lost my friends, and lost respect for myself. Don't do it.
    — snazzzybear

  4. Don't take care of your hygiene or the hygiene in your home. I know a person who didn't clean and they have such bad asthma and pulmonary problems that they will probably lose a few years of their life from that little array into living in filth.
    — NettleGnome

  5. Being indecisive. Avoidance of important or hard decisions can feel like the more comfortable option, yet leads to inaction and stagnation.
    — yeesh_kabab

  6. Taking people for granted and not investing in relationships. You may prefer to stay home and play video games now, but some day you're going to need to move a couch or bum a ride somewhere.
    — Kramanos

  7. Go to college if it's not right for you. Seriously, why get yourself hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt if you can go to a trade school for half the cost and make twice as much money? I'm currently a junior at college, and boy am I not having a good time.
    — myleftsockisadragon

  8. I think many will speak from experience answering this question. So here's mine: - you push yourself to the uppermost limit while you're young, saying "it's okay, I can do this before I get old". That shit will seriously hamper your life in the future. - having zero fault-tolerance for friends. Learn to forgive people or you'll find yourself friendless in the future. Same thing applies for trust, take a leap of faith or two.
    — noiwontfixyourpc

  9. Not paying bills and falling into debt. In your twenties, bills don't seem like a big deal. Wait till you have a family and that shit stops you from buying a home in your 30's.
    — GamerHall

  10. Escapism. You spend all this time trying to escape reality, don't bother, you won't change it but will only stunt your own personal development. Work hard. Make progress. Be brave. Confront the things that mess with your mind and heart . Don't avoid them because they're not moving.
    — Maweedug

  11. Put the needs of others above your own. You'll get nowhere in life, I'm proof.
    — EclipsedByExistence

  12. Vitamin D deficiency and a bad sleeping habit. Neither of them directly cause depression but they do help it along.
    — spacedigx

  13. Go on a very subtle killing spree
    — mordeci00

  14. Avoiding dating to better focus on your career/college to get a career. I am finding no one wants to date me now that I have a career I love and a livable wage because I've been single for so long! Oh well! I love my job and life otherwise!
    — orangegreenfish