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What is the dumbest 100% serious thing someone has said to you?
- I had a friend once try to tell me that the color of your skin is directly dependant on what country you were born in. I told him that a baby born in Kenya to white tourists will still be white
— Bigswole92
- We got a new blanket that was thicker and I told my wife that it was probably going to keep us too hot. She felt under the blanket and told me it felt like the same temperature as the old one.
— freethegeek
- "You can't email me a copy of your birth certificate, it has to be faxed because we need an original copy."
— GreenSalsa96
- "The pool under a waterfall is as deep as the waterfall is tall"
— Ayresx
- How do airplanes not fly into stars?
Edit: this was my adult step mother
— Ashleysmashley42
- "But are you sure they have tampons in Scotland?"
Said by my relative who suggested I bring a box of tampons with me when I first left for university in Scotland.
— katherkelly
- A colleague told me he plans on losing weight by eating food with empty calories.
— woomanchu111
- "You probably don't know what a backpack is because you're homeschooled."
— Multicoloredbagels
- A pharmacist at the pharmacy I frequently used asked me "Is your birthday still the same?" Umm, yeah.
— VioletStarr16
- I've never had a nice, comfortable bed and when I moved into my first place, I decided that I would get one. I went to a mattress store and one of the employees was asking me some preliminary questions to find a bed that would suit me. He basically asked why I need a bed.
I said "Well, I'm moving into my own place and I don't have any furniture, so I need to buy a bed."
The guy stared at me for a few seconds and then said "Forgive me for asking, but.... have you ever slept on a bed?"
He didn't ask if I've ever bought a bed, owned a bed, used a specific brand, etc. This man asked me if I have ever in my life SLEPT ON a bed.
— byebirdy
- "If Jesus was born in Dec. 25, and died in March... how did he age to 33 in 4 months?
— Talgboiii
- Talking about flying on planes with my ex girlfriend. She said that if anything happened while the plane was in the air, she would just use the parachute underneath the seat to jump out. Yes, she was under the impression that each seat had a parachute under it and it wasn't just a seat that floated in water.
— CharWell
- Working more overtime hours makes you less money
— icecreampopncereal
- Don't press the garage door opener, you'll open the door. (We were over 100 miles from his house)
— chiron1
- I work at a bank, and the amount of people who ask me if they can get cash back in bills larger than $100 is way too much.
— Meyael