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Add "2099" to any movie title to make a futuristic sequel. What happens in the movie?

  1. Jaws 2099 The inhabitants of the now flooded New York live in the sky scrapers and mostly use boat taxis to travel around town. And the sharks have figured this out.
    — 2_Sheds_Jackson

  2. 2001 becomes 20012099. The inhabitants of earth in 20 million years uncover another enlightening obelisk. This one explains the end of the previous movie.
    — Quigsy

  3. Die Hard 2099 Aka: The Fifth Element
    — Montythulon

  4. The Matrix 2099 It's actually a prequel (remember, "You think it's the year 1999, when really it's closer to the year 2199..."), it'd be right in the thick of the war between humans & machines. It would end with humans blotting out the sun. Edit: Apparently I need to watch The Animatrix.
    — thwappa

  5. Home Alone 2099 - Kevin McCallister awakes from Cryogenic sleep to find that his entire family have moved to Mars. He has to find a way of joining up with them, all whilst trying to outwit two buffoonish androids intent on stealing his brain.
    — SoapyRibnaut

  6. 10,000 BC 2099. Too many numbers.
    — bayek

  7. Oceans 2099 - everyone in the casino is robbing the casino
    — khaleesiofkitties

  8. Back to the Future 2099. Marty and Doc Brown decide to travel to 2009 for personal reasons. Accidentally, they travel to 2099, and find that the world is facing some strange apocalypse. As soon as they arrive, their time machine is confiscated. The duo has to now figure out how to get the time machine back, what happened to the world and how to save it.
    — hello_friend_

  9. Titanic 2099 - A luxury starliner is struck by an asteroid en route from Earth to Mars. As the ship begins breaking apart, Leo DeCaprio and Kate Winslett manage to survive in an escape pod. It cold in the pod, so Kate Winslett puts on the only space suit inside the pod then thinks to herself "We can't both survive in here". She opens the hatch and watches Leo get sucked out and die. EDIT:. I've seen about 30-40 responses pointing out that my above idea has already been done in Doctor Who and Futurama. I was not aware of this as I've never been a fan of either series. Some folks have linked me to the episodes and once I have some down time, I'll be sure to take a look. Thanks for the FYI!
    — tspielman

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