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What is the first thing you think about when you wake up?

  1. How I really don't want to go to work
    — Gerlon_Two-Fingers

  2. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuugggggghhhhhh" usually.
    — MyLittleDashie7

  3. Kill myself or go to work? Guess I'll go to work.
    — TheDirtyMailman

  4. Gotta piss
    — Av_navy20160606

  5. How little I want to start the day and how I just want to stay home, curled in a ball, alone.
    — McCyanide

  6. "Ah fuck I didn't die in my sleep."
    — rocketmantan

  7. Shaggy from Scooby Doo has always been portrayed as athletic; however we also see him match (and sometimes beat) the top speed of Scooby, a Great Dane. This means shaggy regularly meets and exceeds speeds of 30 mph, making him the fastest human alive EDIT: does nobody recall shaggy discussing his athletic history before pole vaulting and swoos-ing through a window?
    — thetgi

  8. Shit, I forgot to do that assignment! I've been graduated for a while now.
    — mcdiver93

  9. It’s so warm under my blankets, but so very cold outside of them.
    — Gnome_for_your_grog

  10. the girl i've been seeing lately, she's amazing. she watches out for me and checks in on my mental illness, she sends me encouraging texts throughout the day, she's the best
    — VicYesterday

  11. 5 more minutes
    — thesquidpartol97

  12. I think about quitting my job, and then I remember that I'm already living paycheck to paycheck so I need the job. Then I start stressing about what bills I owe while I take a leak and feed my dogs.
    — schmetterling85

  13. *fuck*
    — Trigger93

  14. Do I really need this job?
    — mycatiswatchingyou

  15. "OK, if I press the snooze button, I can still get ready in time, just no messing around." *10 mins later* "One more snooze. I'll just wear a hat today instead of combing my hair." *10 mins later* "Aaah, shit. Looks like I'm sneaking into work thru the back door."
    — Skunk73

  16. *looks at phone* “it was just 10 pm a few minutes ago...”
    — AyBake

  17. Fuck.
    — squeeeeenis

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