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Why do most people on Reddit seem pissed off?

  1. People are much more likely to voice disagreement than agreement. If you see a comment and it matches your thoughts you might upvote or ignore it, if they do answer they say something like 'This' If it disagrees with you though, people will chime in to correct it or offer dissenting opinion. Also, you mentally note those responses much more and angry or arguing comment is more noteworthy. It's probably actually the case that the majority of reddit posts are someone making a very low-effort joke to tag on to a previous post or comment, but those just aren't very memorable.
    — EnderSword

  2. Anonymity brings out the absolute worst in people.
    — abcriminal

    — duffypoo

  4. It’s easy to be a dickhead when you can hide behind a screen
    — Throwawayuser626

  5. If you don't have to back up your actions/comments a lot of people turn into tommy tough nuts the contrarian asshole
    — The_Waco_Kid7

  6. Happy, well adjusted people typically don't vent on the internet. Just saying.
    — Edymnion

  7. Oh damn it, I thought this was r/jokes
    — I-Am-Disturbed

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