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How has Reddit affected your everyday life?

  1. It helped me quit Facebook.
    — ButterflyThatStings

  2. I waste so much time on reddit that I don't read as much as I used to. Or watch as much shows as I used to.
    — shrekine

  3. I'm learning so much on here, from skincare to sex tips, I can find information and opinions about EVERYTHING. It's giving me a lot of insight and made my world a whole lot bigger.
    — neves00

  4. It has sapped my will to live
    — HangingMyself4Sayori

  5. It's definitely improved it I'd say. At the very least it gives me something to look at while I'm standing around waiting for class to start or something.
    — f4tlard

  6. It has helped me pass the time and keep what little sanity I have left. I'm not as isolated or otherwise alone as I would probably feel without it.
    — lynnmammy

  7. I honestly spend significantly more time in the bathroom. It's embarrassing and I should stop.
    — fmoss

  8. I don't care about the ethnicity of someone, I much rather see them as a human. On the internet, it doesn't matter if you're black or white. All it matters is what you type and what kind of message you're trying to get across. I feel much closer to human society now, than I did 10 years ago.
    — regdayrf2

  9. I didn't realize just how bad the world is. Now I wake up and wonder if every family I ever met has some crazy rape dungeon going on.
    — knwnasrob

  10. I'm wasting so much time. I kind of hate it, but I can't stop, and uninstalling it doesn't feel right. And that's what we call an addiction, children
    — AvoidingCape

  11. My wife and I used to follow the Mormon (Latter-day Saints) religion. We both were teachers, local leaders, and good influences on the local church community in Utah, USA. One day, I saw a /r/exmormon post on the front page. I looked at some of the information provided, and started researching the validity of the information based off church sponsored articles, journals, and scripture. Turns out, they have been lying to the members, and it rocked me to my core. My wife and I have since left the church (cult), but the transition hasn't been easy. This all happened because reddit's algorithm happened to put an exmormon post on front page. Thank you reddit.
    — smackaroonial90

  12. I legitimately have a crippling addiction. Help?
    — Casey--

  13. I'm a high school student, and my school has integrated laptops (Schoology, Office 365) into classes. Before, I'd fall asleep in classes because they were boring. Now, I whip out my laptop and lurk on reddit during the boring classes, not to mention being on reddit at home too. I think I spend a good 7+ hours on reddit a day. It's almost a job to me.
    — Xihartoni

  14. I've stopped visiting news websites as frequently. I find that a few well-placed subreddit subscriptions - and the discussion therein - informs me about the state of the world better than any news website can.
    — fleastyler

  15. A year ago I met the love of my life here - I’ve barely just been here a year - so I guess you can say Reddit has brought love into my life.
    — DenMother8

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