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Parents of Reddit, what was the moment you realized you may have accidentally raised an asshole?

  1. When my sons were 12 and 13 the older one stole $600 from my wife and I. He gave the younger one half. When they were caught and everything was said and done the younger son told us that we didn’t have the right to take “his” money from him because he didn’t steal it. That was when I knew. Now ages 19 and 20, the older son has long grown out of it. The younger one has never stopped stealing and lying. Before moving out he told me that he has always resented me for locking things up and, I’m quoting him here, “not letting me take whatever I want from you”. It amazes me because we raised all four of our kids the same way and the other two have always been good kids and kind hearted. Oh well
    — 11312048

  2. I realized I was stranded in the bathroom with no toilet paper and called for my son. He demanded ten bucks. I reminded him he's not so old he can't be left on a doorstep. He gave me two squares of toilet paper.
    — weirdatwork2017

  3. When our 13 year old decided to steal 200 dollars that was hidden in my desk one week before Christmas, he then spent it all in one day on candy, and yelled at us for confiscating what was left of it, he also told us it was our fault for leaving money in the house. To confirm that he is horrible person, he told his mum that he doesn't like seeing anyone else happy which is why he broke his one year old brothers things.
    — RecentEntertainment

  4. When I watched my younger son walk out on the porch, pick up a plastic whiffle bat, look at it, look at his older brother sitting on the porch steps, look back at the bat, and then haul back and crack his brother's head like Babe Ruth popping one out of the park. I could watch his thought process in 5 seconds time: Bat. . .Brother. . .Bat. . .Hit. No hesitation.
    — Sanpotato

  5. My six yo daughter told me to shave that thing off, my goatee. Couple days later I did, I asked her, "do you like it?" She makes a bit of a face and says" no I didn't know your chin was so small."
    — Illustrous_potentate

  6. I have three sons. 8, 23 and 26. The middle one, Andrew, boasted to me that he had sex with "over 30 chicks" on Tinder. And with some of them in my bed. Yeah, Andrew, you're a dick. Congrats.
    — sp4mfilter

  7. Had a neighborhood kid babysitting for my little ones after school. She had some other kids over who got into the liquor cabinet. We told her divorced mom who very indignantly told us we were lying. About a month later her dad comes to the house with a bottle of kirswasser (alcohol used for cooking fondue), a couple cheap gold necklaces from my wife, a spare key to our house and an old checkbook from a closed bank account. He apologized profusely and I remember him saying "I never thought my kid would be the bad kid in the neighborhood..." - it was painful to see.
    — YourDadsBoss

  8. Oh man, too many to list. The most recent is when my son shot me with his Nerf gun directly in my eyeball. My eye still hurts a week later. A couple of weeks ago, my other son pooped on the floor (he's 3) and put a donut on top of it to hide it.
    — rootberryfloat

  9. My husband has a habit of messing with me. As I was stepping into the shower, he threw ice cold water down my back and I let out a shriek. My 18 month old comes running in from her bedroom, looks me dead in the eye and screams "AAAAHHHHaaaaaahhhhhAAAAAAHHHHHaaaahhhhhhh!" in this overly dramatic whiney voice. Then she did it 3 more times. The little shit ran in from the other room to mock me.
    — misyo

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