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Veterinarians of Reddit, what common mistakes are we making with our pets?

  1. Veterinarian here. Not going to sift through all these comments so apologies if I’m echoing others. Getting and relying on medical advice from breeders and groomers (with no medical background). I once saw a rat terrier with a fractured humerus, which typically requires surgical correction. As I stepped out of the room to check availability with a surgeon, the client called the dog’s breeder who said not to follow my advice and to “just put the dog in a sling” and that she’s “done on her own dogs plenty.” Also, not exercising dogs enough. Many behavioral problems can be solved with ample exercise daily. Edit: pilfer -> sift
    — Doc_StockandBarrel

  2. Trim your pets' nails. I can't tell you how many times I've had to wrestle an ingrown nail out of an animals flesh. And that stuff can get in there deep. And most of the time, the animal doesn't give you any signs that it's in pain and the owners don't even notice it's happening Edit: As many have pointed out, there may be some instances of NOT needed to cut your pets nails. Your pet may grind them down themselves from scratching posts or walking on concrete surfaces or digging up your yard. Keep an eye on nail lengths and use your best judgement. If you think they are getting long, trim them yourself or take them to a groomer or veterinarian
    — amoyensis13

  3. I'm seeing a lot of dog/cat posts so I'll throw one about snakes: Snakes are not supposed to sneeze/cough. They lack diaphragms so if yours does this, take it to the vet immediately. Please please do not drive with your snake free-roaming. This is extremely unsafe for the snake as it causes stress and could get stuck somewhere while you are driving. Different snakes require different bedding's, humidity levels, enrichment etc. Just because it works for a corn doesn't mean it's meant for a ball python. It is best, and highly recommended, to feed frozen to snakes. This is because live rodents can be dangerous to the snake if the snake does not want to eat (I've seen so many dead snake pets due to this) and also, easier storage. If your snake prefers a more lively meal, try dancing or running said dead mouse around the tank for it to attack. Understand your snake and stress. Do not humanize your snake into thinking that it's behaving in a mammal/human like way. It could be showing signs of clear stress and your seeing it as "awe look at it's sassy face!" You can love your reptile while also respecting it's boundaries. This is my personal rant/tip: If you want a cool, look at me accessory may I suggest a new hair do, a cool jacket or literally anything else besides a snake. These animals are surprisingly delicate to their environments and require everyday husbandry. You scaring people with it or using it as a way to get chicks is not helping the reputation of these pretty awesome creatures. They have fears, intelligence and likes/dislikes like any other animal. They are not breathing jewelry. Reptiles in general are very complex pets to keep healthy. Do your research please. Learn the diets, the vitamins, the lights, the humidity etc. These animals can live to be over 20 yet rarely do due to poor husbandry. And my tip for all animals in general is ENRICHMENT! Play with your pets, train them, give them puzzles, new toys, new hiding boxes, etc. Literally anything to keep their minds and bodies fit. These creatures rely on us for their whole lives, they do not have phones, tvs, books, etc. They have us, their owners. It's our responsibility to keep them entertained and living full lives. Even a fish could enjoy some new plants and scenery every once and awhile. EDIT: Loving the questions, loving the enthusiasm, loving the discussions everyone! Alas, I have to sleep and stuff so I’m going to recommend all you reptile owners/lovers check out your pets sub reddit for more advice, pictures, ideas and just over all love for whatever you have. If you cannot find your questions answered shoot me a PM and I’ll get to it as soon as I can. And if I don’t know the answer, I have a whole phone book of zoo keepers and exotic vets who probably do lol Happy Herping everyone!
    — Davis1511

  4. I'm a vet. Not letting your dogs around other dogs until they have all their vaccines. Their socialization window closes about 14 weeks, meaning it is pretty much closed if you wait until 16 weeks. This causes a lot of dogs to go nuts and freak out whenever they see something they didn't see during that period. Notice, I did NOT say to take them to the dog park! They need to be around other dogs (and other people) in controlled situations: puppy socialization classes, friends houses, etc. Make sure the dogs they are around are healthy, vaccinated, and good with puppies and let them have positive experiences with other dogs and people. Obviously NEVER get behind on their vaccines while you're doing this. Expose them to your tall friends, your friends of different races, your friends with beards, hats, sunglasses. Pull out the broom, an umbrella, an iron board... while giving them treats and having fun the whole time. Try to let them walk on slick floors, bricks, carpet, etc. so they won't have fears of those things. And always happy!! Every happy, positive interaction with something makes them less afraid. Every lack of exposure, or negative interaction, makes them more afraid. Your dog is your FRIEND, not your slave. Your goal is not to make him do exactly whatever you want no matter what. It's to make him have good manners, but also let him have his own preferences, too. You're not training him like he's in the circus to do a bunch of stuff for your amusement. You're teaching him how to move safely in the world, which means not doing something (biting, urinating in the house, jumping uncontrollably) that will be a threat to his life some day. More dogs are surrendered and euthanized for behavior reasons than any other reason. TL;DR: Make sure your dog is vaccinated and don't expose him to diseases, but make sure he's around a large variety of other people and dogs SAFELY when he is very young. (Before his puppy vaccines are finished.) Edit to add that I'm a vet. Edit again "You're NOT training him like he's in the circus."
    — cloud_watcher

  5. Hello! Veterinary Nurse here! Kind of surprised I haven't seen this posted yet (might of missed it) however.... Please, if your pet got into your weed or edibles, just tell us! No we are not going to call the cops on you. We just want to treat your pet correctly & not waste our time!! We really don't care that you smoke! Also, please put your weed up where your pets can't reach! If dogs will eat literal crap then yes they certainly will eat your pot & definitely all of your baked edibles & candy! Thanks! :D
    — Bastet_0

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